functions in filter.i - c


    cauer(np, ripple, atten, w)  
 or cauer(np, ripple, atten, w, wc, db)  

return frequency response (amplitude) for Cauer filter;  
the parameters are the same as for fil_cauer.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 631  

SEE ALSO: fil_cauer  


    cheby1(np, ripple, w)  
 or cheby1(np, ripple, w, wc, db)  

return frequency response (amplitude) for Chebyshev filter;  
the parameters are the same as for fil_cheby1.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 580  

SEE ALSO: fil_cheby1  


    cheby2(np, atten, w)  
 or cheby2(np, atten, w, wc, db)  

return frequency response (amplitude) for inverse Chebyshev filter;  
the parameters are the same as for fil_cheby2.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 605  

SEE ALSO: fil_cheby2