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3.6.1 Legends

Every plotting primitive function accepts a legend= keyword to allow you to set a legend string describing that object. If you do not supply a legend= keyword, Yorick supplies a default by repeating a portion of the command line. For example,

plg, cos(x), x

will have the default legend "A: plg, cos(x), x", assuming that the curve marker for this curve is "A". You can specify a more descriptive legend with the legend= keyword:

plg, cos(x), x, legend="oscillating driving force"

If you want the legend to have the curve marker prepended, so it is "A: oscillating driving force" if the curve marker is "A", but "F: oscillating driving force" if the curve marker is "F", you can begin the legend string with the special character "\1":

plg, cos(x), x, legend="\1: oscillating driving force"

Like legends, you can specify a curve marker letter with the marker= keyword, but if you don't, Yorick picks a value based on how many curves have been plotted. By default, Yorick draws the marker letter on top of the curve every once in a while -- so A's mark curve A, B's mark curve B, and so on. This is only relevant for the plg and plc commands. This default style is ugly; use it for working plots, not polished graphics. You should turn the markers off by means of the marks=0 keyword for high quality plots, and distinguish your curves by line type. For example,

plg, cos(x), x, marks=0, type="dash",
   legend="oscillating driving force (dash)"

In order to conserve screen space, legends never appear on your screen; they only appear in hardcopy files. Furthermore, depending on the graphics style, legends may not appear in hardcopy either. In particular, the `' and `' styles have no legends. This is because legends are ugly. Legends take the place of a proper figure caption in working plots. For high quality output, I expect you to take the trouble to add a proper caption. You can use the legends=0 keyword to the window command in order to eliminate the legends even from those graphics styles where they normally appear.

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