functions in filter.i - t
to_db(signal, ref) or to_db(signal) return 20.*log10(abs(SIGNAL)/REF), the number of decibels corresponding to the input SIGNAL. REF defaults to 1.0. Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i line 510SEE ALSO: fil_response, to_phase
to_phase(signal) or to_phase(signal, 1) return atan(,, the phase of the input SIGNAL. If the second argument is present and non-0, the phase will be in degrees; by default the phase is in radians. To_phase attempts to unroll any jumps from -180 to +180 degrees or vice-versa; zero phase will be taken somewhere near the middle of the signal. The external variable to_phase_eps controls the details of this unrolling; you can turn off unrolling by setting to_phase_eps=0.0 (initially it is 0.3). Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i line 524SEE ALSO: fil_response, to_phase