all functions - i


    i86_primitives, file  

sets FILE primitive data types to be native to Linux i86 machines.  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2929  



    f = idl_open(filename)  
 or f = idl_open(filename, commons)  

  openb for an IDL save file  
  optional COMMONS is returned as an array of pointers to  
    arrays of strings; the first string in each array is the name  
    of an IDL common block; the others are the names of the  
    variables in that common block  
  all variable names have been converted to lower case  
  loud=1 keyword reports on timestamp and other information  
    about the user, host, etc., stored in the save file  
  floating complex data becomes an array of float with leading  
    dimension of 2, use f2z to recover complex  
  64 bit integers become an array of long with leading dimension  
    of 2, use l2ll to recover single long (if sizeof(long)=8)  
   Interpreted function, defined at i/idlsave.i   line 64  

SEE ALSO: openb,   f2z,   l2ll  


    ieee_set, x, what  

  set X to ieee754 special value WHAT  
  X must be an array of float or double values  
    (note that X cannot be a scalar double value)  
  WHAT = 0  means leave unchanged  
  WHAT = 1  means set to Inf  
  WHAT = 2  means set to qNaN  
  WHAT = 3  means set to sNaN  
  WHAT = 4  means set to 0.0  
    negate WHAT to set the sign bit of X as well  
  WHAT may be an array conformable with X, in order to set only  
  some values of X  
  this routine is a no-op if this machine is not known to  
  support these ieee754 special values  
Warning-- apparently there is no universal standard for what  
  constitutes signalling versus quiet NaN  
  on MIPS and HPPA architectures, qNaN and sNaN are reversed  
  Interpreted function, defined at i/ieee.i   line 408  

SEE ALSO: ieee_test,   as_chars  



return x = inverse of Fermi-Dirac integral of order 1/2,  
   y = integral[0 to inf]{ dt * t^0.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
accurate to about 1e-8  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermi.i   line 208  

SEE ALSO: ifdm12,   ifd32,   ifd52,   fdm12,   fd12,   fd32,   fd52  



return x = inverse of Fermi-Dirac integral of order 3/2,  
   y = integral[0 to inf]{ dt * t^1.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
accurate to about 1e-8  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermi.i   line 239  

SEE ALSO: ifdm12,   ifd12,   ifd52,   fdm12,   fd12,   fd32,   fd52  



return x = inverse of Fermi-Dirac integral of order 5/2,  
   y = integral[0 to inf]{ dt * t^2.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
accurate to about 1e-8  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermi.i   line 271  

SEE ALSO: ifdm12,   ifd12,   ifd32,   fdm12,   fd12,   fd32,   fd52  



return x = inverse of Fermi-Dirac integral of order -1/2,  
   y = integral[0 to inf]{ dt * t^-0.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
accurate to about 1e-8  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermi.i   line 173  

SEE ALSO: ifd12,   ifd32,   ifd52,   fdm12,   fd12,   fd32,   fd52  



     Interpreted function, defined at i/demo4.i   line 85  




returns the imaginary part of its argument.  
Unlike, works if z is not complex (returns zero).  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 749  



    #include "yorick_source.i"  
    require, filename  
    include, filename  
 or include, filename, now  

#include is a parser directive, not a Yorick statement.  Use it  
to read Yorick source code which you have saved in a file; the  
file yorick_source.i will be read one line at a time, exactly as  
if you had typed those lines at the keyboard.  The following  
directories are searched (in this order) to find yorick_source.i:  
   .               (current working directory)  
   ~/yorick        (your personal directory of Yorick functions)  
   ~/Yorick        (your personal directory of Yorick functions)  
   Y_SITE/i        (Yorick distribution library)  
   Y_SITE/contrib  (contributed source at your site)  
   Y_SITE/i0       (Yorick startup and package include files)  
   Y_HOME/lib      (Yorick architecture dependent include files)  
To find out what is available in the Y_SITE/i directory,  
You can also type  
to find the name of the site directory at your site, go to the  
include or contrib subdirectory, and browse through the *.i files.  
This is a good way to learn how to write a Yorick program.  Be  
alert for files like README as well.  
The require function checks to see whether FILENAME has already  
been included (actually whether any file with the same final  
path component has been included).  If so, require is a no-op,  
otherwise, the action is the same as the include function with  
NOW == 1.  
The include function causes Yorick to parse and execute FILENAME  
immediately.  The effect is similar to the #include parser  
directive, except the finding, parsing, and execution of FILENAME  
occurs at runtime.  The NOW argument has the following meanings:  
  NOW == -1   filename pushed onto stack, popped and parsed  
              when all pending input is exhausted  
  NOW == 0    (or nil, default) parsed just before next input  
              line would be parsed  
  NOW == 1    parsed immediately, resuming current interpreted  
              program when finished (like require)  
  NOW == 2    like 0, except no error if filename does not exist  
  NOW == 3    like 1, except no error if filename does not exist  
Unless you are writing a startup file, or have some truly bizarre  
technical reason for using the include function, use #include  
instead.  The functional form of include may involve recursive  
parsing, which you will not be able to understand without deep  
study.  Stick with #include.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 2254  

SEE ALSO: set_path,   Y_SITE,   plug_in,   autoload,   include_all  


    include_all, dir1, dir2, ...  

include all files in directories DIR1, DIR2, ..., with names  
ending in the ".i" extension.  (This is mostly for use to load  
the i-start directories when yorick starts; see i0/stdx.i.)  
If any of the DIRi do not exist, or are empty, they are  
silently skipped.  Filenames beginning with "." are also skipped,  
even if they end in ".i".  The files are included in alphabetical  
order, DIR1 first, then DIR2, and so on.  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 2313  

SEE ALSO: include,   autoload  


 or indgen(start:stop)  
 or indgen(start:stop:step)  

returns "index generator" list -- an array of longs running from  
1 to N, inclusive.  In the second and third forms, the index  
values specified by the index range are returned.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1084  

SEE ALSO: span,   spanl,   array  


    info, expr  

prints the data type and array dimensions of EXPR.  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 157  

SEE ALSO: help,   print  


    install_struct, file, struct_name  
 or install_struct, file, struct_name, size, align, order  
 or install_struct, file, struct_name, size, align, order, layout  

installs the data type named STRUCT_NAME in the binary FILE.  In  
the two argument form, STRUCT_NAME must have been built by one or  
more calls to the add_member function.  In the 5 and 6 argument calls,  
STRUCT_NAME is a primitive data type -- an integer type for the 5  
argument call, and a floating point type for the 6 argument call.  
The 5 argument form may also be used to declare opaque data types.  
SIZE is the size of an instance in bytes, ALIGN is its alignment  
boundary (also in bytes), and ORDER is the byte order.  ORDER is  
1 for most significant byte first, -1 for least significant byte  
first, and 0 for opaque (unconverted) data.  Other ORDER values  
represent more complex byte permutations (2 is the byte order for  
VAX floating point numbers).  If ORDER equals SIZE, then the data  
type is not only opaque, but also must be read sequentially.  
LAYOUT is an array of 7 long values parameterizing the floating  
point format, [sign_address, exponent_address, exponent_size,  
mantissa_address, mantissa_size, mantissa_normalized, exponent_bias]  
(the addresses and sizes are in bits, reduced to MSB first order).  
Use, e.g., nameof(float) for STRUCT_NAME to redefine the meaning  
of the float data type for FILE.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 3376  

SEE ALSO: add_variable,   add_member  


    integ(y, x, xp)  
 or integ(y, x, xp, which)  

See the interp function for an explanation of the meanings of the  
arguments.  The integ function returns ypi which is the integral  
of the piecewise linear curve (X(i), Y(i)) (i=1, ..., numberof(X))  
from X(1) to XP.  The curve (X, Y) is regarded as constant outside  
the bounds of X.  Note that X must be monotonically increasing or  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1197  

SEE ALSO: interp,   digitize,   span  


    integ_flat(opac, source, rays, mesh, slimits)  
 or integ_flat(opac, source, ray_paths)  

returns ngroup-by-2-by-nrays result, where result(,1,..) is  
the transparency factors, and result(,2,..) is the self-emission  
for each group on each ray.  The input OPAC and SOURCE are the  
opacity (an inverse length) and the source function (a specific  
intensity).  They are mesh-by-ngroups zone centered arrays.  The  
result has the same units as SOURCE.  
In the second form, RAY_PATHS was returned by the track_rays  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 1111  

SEE ALSO: integ_linear,   track_rays,   form_mesh,   streak,   snap  


    integ_linear(opac, source, rays, mesh, slimits)  
 or integ_linear(opac, source, ray_paths)  

returns ngroup-by-2-by-nrays result, where result(,1,..) is  
the transparency factors, and result(,2,..) is the self-emission  
for each group on each ray.  The input OPAC and SOURCE are the  
opacity (an inverse length) and the source function (a specific  
intensity).  They are mesh-by-ngroups arrays; OPAC is zone centered,  
while SOURCE is point centered (using pcen_source).  The result  
has the same units as SOURCE.  
In the second form, RAY_PATHS was returned by the track_rays  
The integ_linear routine assumes that the SOURCE function varies  
linearly between the entry and exit points from each zone.  This  
assumption is poor near the turning point, and causes the result  
to be a discontinuous function of the ray coordinates, unlike the  
integ_flat result.  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 1154  

SEE ALSO: pcen_source,   integ_flat,   track_rays,   form_mesh,   streak,   snap  



returns 6-element (cos,sin,y,z,x,r) representation of RAYS.  
The first dimension of RAYS may be length 3, 5, or 6 to represent  
the ray(s) in TDG/DIRT coordinates (x,y,theta), "best" coordinates  
(x,y,z,theta,phi), or internal coordinates (cos,sin,y,z,x,r),  
respectively.  The first dimension of the result always has length 6.  
The internal coordinates are what Drat uses internally to  
describe the ray.  The coordinate system is rotated about the  
z-axis until the ray lies in a plane of constant y (there are at  
least two ways to do this).  The point (x,y,z) can be any point on  
the ray, and r=sqrt(x^2+y^2) is the corresponding cylindrical radius.  
The clockwise angle theta from the +z-axis to the ray direction  
(which always lies in the zx-plane) determines cos=cos(theta) and  
As a specification of a ray, this system is triply redundant because  
the point (x,y,z) could be any point on the ray, both the sine and  
cosine of theta appear, and r=sqrt(x^2+y^2).  
However, the slimits parameter -- used to specify the points along  
a ray where the transport integration starts and stops -- is  
measured from the point (x,y,z) specified as a part of the  
(cos,sin,y,z,x,r) ray coordinate.  Thus, any change in the point  
(x,y,z) on a ray must be accompanied by a corresponding change in  
the slimits for that ray.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/rays.i   line 155  

SEE ALSO: form_rays,   best_rays,   dirt_rays,   get_s0,   picture_rays  


    interp(y, x, xp)  
 or interp(y, x, xp, which)  

returns yp such that (XP, yp) lies on the piecewise linear curve  
(X(i), Y(i)) (i=1, ..., numberof(X)).  Points beyond X(1) are set  
to Y(1); points beyond X(0) are set to Y(0).  The array X must be  
one dimensional, have numberof(X)>=2, and be either monotonically  
increasing or monotonically decreasing.  The array Y may have more  
than one dimension, but dimension WHICH must be the same length as  
X.  WHICH defaults to 1, the first dimension of Y.  WHICH may be  
non-positive to count dimensions from the end of Y; a WHICH of 0  
means the final dimension of Y.  The result yp has dimsof(XP)  
in place of the WHICH dimension of Y (if XP is scalar, the WHICH  
dimension is not present).  (The dimensions of the result are the  
same as if an index list with dimsof(XP) were placed in slot  
WHICH of Y.)  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1178  

SEE ALSO: integ,   digitize,   span  


    z0= interp2(y0,x0, z,y,x)  

  -or- z0= interp2(y0,x0, z,y,x,reg)  
return the bilinear interpolate of the function Z(X,Y) at the  
points (X0,Y0).  The X, Y, and optional REG arrays specify a  
quadrilateral mesh as for the plm function.  The Z values are  
specified at the vertices of this mesh, so Z must have the  
same dimensions as X and Y.  
Points outside the mesh get the value 0.0, unless the outside  
keyword is non-nil, in which case they get that value.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/digit2.i   line 36  

SEE ALSO: interp,   digit2,   mesh_loc,   plm  



     Interpreted function, defined at i/random.i   line 362  




     Interpreted function, defined at i/random.i   line 450  



    model= ipq_setup(x, u)  
 or model= ipq_setup(x, u, power=[pleft,prght])  
 or model= ipq_setup(x, u, power=[pleft,prght], slope=[sleft,srght])  

compute a model for the ipq_compute function, which computes the  
inverse of a piecewise quadratic function.  This function occurs  
when computing random numbers distributed according to a piecewise  
linear function.  The piecewise linear function is u(x), determined  
by the discrete points X and U input to ipq_setup.  None of the  
values of U may be negative, and X must be strictly increasing,  
X(i)0 while SRGHT<0.  If either power is greater than or equal to  
100, an exponential tail will be used.  As a convenience, you may  
also specify PLEFT or PRGHT of 0 to get an exponential tail.  
Note: ipq_function(model, xp) returns the function values u(xp) at  
the points xp, including the tails (if any).  ipq_compute(model, yp)  
returns the xp for which (integral from -infinity to xp) of u(x)  
equals yp; i.e.- the inverse of the piecewise quadratic.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/random.i   line 277  

SEE ALSO: random_ipq,   random_rej  



returns 1 if OBJECT is an array data type (as opposed to a function,  
structure definition, index range, I/O stream, etc.), else 0.  
An array OBJECT can be written to or read from a binary file;  
non-array Yorick data types cannot.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 506  

SEE ALSO: is_func,   is_void,   is_range,   is_struct,   is_stream  



returns 1 if OBJECT is a Yorick interpreted function, 2 if OBJECT  
is a built-in (that is, compiled) function, 3 if OBJECT is an  
autoload (will become either 1 or 2 on reference), else 0.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 515  

SEE ALSO: is_array,   is_void,   is_range,   is_struct,   is_stream,   autoload  


    is_present(get_vars(f), name)  

returns 1 if variable NAME is present in file F, 0 if not.  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i   line 891  




return non-zero if and only if X (which must be a scalar integer)  
is prime.  May return a false positive if X is greater than about  
3e9, since at most 20000 candidate factors are checked.  
The absolute value of X is taken first; zero is not prime, but 1 is.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/gcd.i   line 64  

SEE ALSO: gcd,   lcm,   factorize  



returns 1 if OBJECT is an index range (e.g.-  3:5 or 11:31:2),  
else 0.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 530  

SEE ALSO: is_array,   is_func,   is_void,   is_struct,   is_stream  



returns 1 if OBJECT is a scalar, else 0.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/string.i   line 137  

SEE ALSO: is_array,   is_func,   is_void,   is_range,   is_struct,   is_stream  



returns 1 if OBJECT is a binary I/O stream (usually a file), else 0.  
The _read and _write functions work on object if and only if  
is_stream returns non-zero.  Note that is_stream returns 0 for a  
text stream -- you need the typeof function to test for those.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 544  

SEE ALSO: is_array,   is_func,   is_void,   is_range,   is_struct  



returns 1 if OBJECT is the definition of a Yorick struct, else 0.  
Thus, is_struct(double) returns 1, but is_struct(1.0) returns 0.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 537  

SEE ALSO: is_array,   is_func,   is_void,   is_range,   is_stream  



returns 1 if OBJECT is a vector (i.e., OBJECT has a single  
dimension), else 0.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/string.i   line 144  

SEE ALSO: is_array,   is_func,   is_void,   is_range,   is_struct,   is_stream  



returns 1 if OBJECT is nil (the one instance of the void data type),  
else 0.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 523  

SEE ALSO: is_array,   is_func,   is_range,   is_struct,   is_stream  



     Interpreted function, defined at i/slice3.i   line 520  




     Interpreted function, defined at i/slice3.i   line 529