all functions - z
crc32 = z_crc32(crc32, data) or adler32 = z_crc32(adler32, data, 1) Compute the crc32 or adler32 checksum of DATA. The first argument can be [] (nil) if this is the first chunk of DATA; to checksum a long stream of data you can call z_crc32 on a series of chunks, feeding the result of each call as input to the following call. Builtin function, documented at i0/zlib.i line 132SEE ALSO: z_setdict
buffer = z_deflate() or buffer = z_deflate(level) or buffer = z_deflate(level, dictionary) then navail = z_deflate(buffer, data) or zdata = z_flush(buffer) finally zdata = z_flush(buffer, data) or zdata = z_flush(buffer, -) In any of the first three forms, initiate a zlib deflation BUFFER. The second two forms allow you to specify a compression LEVEL (0-9 in increasing compression and decreasing speed), and/or a special compression DICTIONARY (which you will need to supply again in order to decompress the data later). After the BUFFER has been created, use z_deflate to compress DATA, adding it to the compressed stream in the BUFFER. After one or several calls to z_deflate, you can call z_flush in the first form to extract the current BUFFER contents as ZDATA, the portion of the compressed data stream stored in BUFFER. You can alternate calls to z_deflate and z_flush as many times as you like in order to compress an arbitrary amount of DATA into ZDATA without filling memory. The NAVAIL returned by z_deflate is a lower limit on the number of bytes of compressed data a subsequent z_flush will return. The final block of DATA must be compressed by a call to z_flush, in the final form. This flushes all remaining data into the resulting ZDATA and closes the BUFFER. You can call z_flush in this form immediately after creating the buffer, so that the tersest way to compress a single block of data is: zdata = z_flush(z_deflate(), data) Use - for DATA to indicate you have no more DATA, but want to finish the compression. Builtin function, documented at i0/zlib.i line 13SEE ALSO: z_inflate, z_flush, z_crc32
zdata_or_data = z_flush(buffer) or zdata = z_flush(buffer, data) or zdata = z_flush(buffer, -) or data = z_flush(buffer, type) Flushes all available ZDATA (if STATE is a z_deflate state) or all available DATA (if STATE is a z_inflate state). For z_deflate states, a second argument to z_flush is the final DATA block to complete the ZDATA stream. For z_inflate states, you may specify an array data TYPE so that the return DATA value will have that data type instead of char. Builtin function, documented at i0/zlib.i line 96SEE ALSO: z_deflate, z_inflate, z_setdict
buffer = z_inflate() then flag = z_inflate(buffer, zdata) or flag = z_inflate(buffer, zdata, data) or data = z_flush(buffer) or data = z_flush(buffer, type) In the first form, initiate a zlib inflation BUFFER. You use that BUFFER in subsequent calls to z_inflate if you do not know in advance how large the uncompressed DATA will be, or if you want to do the decompression in chunks to conserve memory. Use the second or third forms to actually decompress ZDATA. After one or more calls to z_inflate, you can call z_flush in order to extract whatever uncompressed DATA has so far been produced. You can optionally specify a TYPE array for z_flush, otherwise the DATA will be a 1D array of char. Alternatively, you can supply a DATA array as the third parameter to z_inflate, in which case z_inflate will uncompress to your DATA array instead of to an internal array in BUFFER. You can use this form if you already know the size and data type the data will decompress to. If the returned flag is 3, you can call z_setdict and repeat the call. Otherwise, a return value other than 0 probably represents an error. Note that z_flush will not return bytes that have been written to a DATA array supplied to z_inflate. The FLAG returned by z_inflate is 0 if the ZDATA stream is complete, in which case no further calls to z_inflate are legal with that BUFFER - the next call to z_flush will return all remaining bytes of the uncompressed data 1 if the ZDATA stream is incomplete, but no additional uncompressed data is yet available in BUFFER 2 if the ZDATA stream is incomplete, and uncompressed data can be retrieved from BUFFER by calling z_flush 3 if a DICTIONARY is required to continue decompression - use z_setdict to set a dictionary and call z_inflate a second time with the same DATA -1 if the ZDATA stream completed, but contained additional bytes after the end -2 if the ZDATA stream is corrupted Builtin function, documented at i0/zlib.i line 50SEE ALSO: z_deflate, z_flush, z_setdict, z_crc32
adler32 = z_setdict(buffer) or flag = z_setdict(buffer, dictionary) In the first form, returns the adler32 checksum of the dictionary required to continue decompressing a stream after z_inflate returns 3, or [] (nil) if BUFFER does not need a dictionary. You can also use this form to retrieve the adler32 checksum of a dictionary you supplied in the call to z_deflate that returned BUFFER. In the second form, sets the DICTIONARY for BUFFER so that succeeding calls to z_inflate can continue decompressing. The return value FLAG is 1 on success, or 0 on failure. You can compute the adler32 checksum using the z_crc32 function. Builtin function, documented at i0/zlib.i line 112SEE ALSO: z_inflate, z_crc32
zncen(ptcen) or zncen(ptcen, ireg) returns zone centered version of the 2-D point centered array PTCEN. The result is (imax-1)-by-(jmax-1) if PTCEN is imax-by-jmax. If the region number array IREG is specified, zones with region number 0 are not included in the point centering operation. Note that IREG should have dimensions imax-by-jmax, like the input PTCEN array; the first row and column of IREG are ignored. Without IREG, zncen(ptcen) is equivalent to ptcen(zcen,zcen). Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i line 3662SEE ALSO: ptcen, uncen
zoom_factor, factor sets the zoom factor for mouse-click zoom in and zoom out operations. The default FACTOR is 1.5; FACTOR should always be greater than 1.0. Builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i line 906SEE ALSO: limits, range, unzoom, plg
zroots(a) returns the vector of (complex) roots of the (complex) polynomial: Sum(a(i)*x^(i-1)) using Laguerre's method. The roots are sorted in order of increasing real parts. Call with non-zero imsort keyword to sort into increasing imaginary parts. See Numerical Recipes (Press, et. al., Cambridge Univ. Press 1988), section 9.5. Interpreted function, defined at i/zroots.i line 10