packages in directory i0
compiled or interpreted packages present on startup | |
drat |
Yorick interface definitions for Drat transport equation solver. |
fft |
Yorick interface to Swarztrauber FFT routines, modified for strides. |
graph |
Declarations of Yorick graphics functions. |
hex |
Yorick interface definitions for hex transport equation solver. |
jpeg | |
matrix |
Yorick interface to LAPACK matrix solving routines. |
mpeg | |
paths |
When Yorick starts, it must be able to find several standard include files which initialize the interpreter. The default paths to these files are established when Yorick is compiled (see the Maketmpl and Makefile files in the Yorick distribution). However, if the Yorick binary is moved to a new site, the absolute path names of these required i0 files may change. By editing this file and placing it in the same directory as the Yorick executable file, you can adjust for such path name changes, which makes it possible to port Yorick binaries. |
png | |
std |
Declarations of standard Yorick functions. The Codger automatic code generator program uses this file to generate appropriate C code to initialize the various built-in functions declared here. This file is also used as online documentation for these functions by Yorick's help mechanism. |
zlib |
packages in directory i
yorick interpreted packages not loaded by default to use them, #include "package.i" | |
basfix |
fix PDB binary file interface for use with Basis interpreter |
bessel |
integer order Bessel functions Functions: bessj, bessy, bessi, bessk |
bowtie |
detect and map bowties in 2D mesh Functions: bowtie, nbow |
button |
implement mouse pushbuttons in a Yorick graphics window (see rezone.i for usage examples) Functions: Button, button_plot, button_test, button_build |
cheby |
Chebyshev polynomial approximation Functions: cheby_fit, cheby_eval, cheby_integ, cheby_deriv |
color |
palette adjustment, HSV<->RGB transforms (study split_palette, split_bytscl in slice3.i for more color table ideas) Functions: brighten, to_hsv, to_rgb, dump_palette |
convol |
convolution using fft Functions: convol, fft_good |
copyb |
copy a binary file Function: copyb |
dawson |
Dawson's integral and error functions Functions: dawson, erf, erfc |
demo1 |
a simple 1-D hydro code Functions: demo1, evolve (read the file for more) |
demo2 |
fancy movies of a drumhead oscillating (solves 2D wave equation on the fly) Functions: demo2 |
demo3 |
movie of a chaotic pendulum (way cool) (does Runge-Kutta integration of Lagrangian on the fly) Functions: demo3 |
demo4 |
movie of flow around an airfoil (solves for flow field on the fly) Functions: demo4 |
demo5 |
interpreted 3-D graphics, demonstrating plwf, slice3 Function: demo5 |
digit2 |
2D equivalents for digitize and interp Functions: digit2, interp2 |
ellipse |
complete elliptic integrals Functions: EllipticE, EllipticK |
elliptic |
more elliptic functions Functions: elliptic, ell_am, ell_f, ell_e, dn_, ellip_k, ellip_e |
fermi | |
fermii | |
filter |
analog signal processing Functions: filter, fil_bessel, fil_butter, fil_cheby1, fil_cheby2, fil_cauer, etc |
fitlsq |
least squares fit a piecewise linear function to data Function: fitlsq |
fitrat |
rational function and polynomial fits Functions: fitrat, fitpol |
fits |
read and write FITS files (IAU astronomical data) Functions: fitsRead, fitsWrite, etc |
gamma |
gamma function and relatives Functions: ln_gamma, beta, bico (binomial coefficients), erfc |
gammp | |
gcd |
GCD, LCM, prime factorization Functions: gcd, lcm, is_prime, factorize |
hydra |
access hydra-generated Silo-PDB files |
idlsave | |
ieee | |
kepler |
solar system models Functions: kepler, kepler2, moon, solar_system |
legndr |
Legendre polynomials, associated Legendre functions Function: legndr |
make |
automatic Makefile generator for custom version of Yorick Function: make |
md5 | |
mkdoc |
extract and alphabetize DOCUMENT comments from include files Function: mkdoc |
movie |
assistance for animation (see demo2.i and demo3.i) Functions: movie, movie_stats |
msort |
multiple key sorting functions Functions: msort, msort_rank |
multi |
multiple file extension to drat package |
netcdf |
read and write netcdf binary files Functions: nc_open, nc_create, nc_vardef, nc_enddef, nc_addrec (if you only need to read a netcdf file, just use openb -- netcdf.i will be included automatically) |
pixels |
crude attempt to force Yorick to plot cell arrays at one cell per X window pixel Functions: pixels, pix_window |
pl3d |
first cut at 3-D graphics command line interface, defines common lighting, rotation and perspective transforms, gnomon (axis orientation indicator) plwf.i, slice3.i, and demo5.i contain usage examples Functions: rot3, light3, aim3, draw3, gnomon, etc |
plato |
regular Platonic solids Functions: plato, pt_tet, pt_cube, pt_oct, pt_dodec, pt_ico, bucky |
plclab |
label contour levels with numeric values Function: plc_label |
plwf |
3-D wire frame plots (painter's algorithm) Function: plwf |
pnm |
read and write PBM, PGM, and PBM files made by the pbmplus or netpbm packages Functions: pnm_read, pnm_write, etc |
prefix |
read lists of numbers tagged by a "prefix" at the beginning of each line Functions: prefix_find, prefix_read, prefix_write |
random |
gaussian deviates, arbitrary piecewise linear deviates, rejection method, more Functions: random_x, random_n, random_ipq, random_rej, ... |
rays |
ray manipulation for drat package |
rezone |
point-and-click rezoner for quadrilateral meshes Function: rezone, toy_mesh |
rkutta |
Runge-Kutta and Bulirsch-Stoer ODE integrators Functions: rkutta, rk_integrate, bstoer, bs_integrate, rkdumb |
romberg |
Romberg and Simpson adaptive integrators Functions: romberg, simpson |
roots |
Newton-Raphson root and inverse, Brent maxima and minima Functions: nraphson, f_inverse, mnbrent, mxbrent |
series |
geometric series solvers Functions: series_s (sum a series), series_r (find ratio given sum and number of terms), series_n (find number of terms given sum and ratio) |
silo |
open Silo/PDB files Functions: silo_open, silo_cd, silo_ls, silo_var, silo_close |
slice3 |
3-D mesh slicing functions, plus plotting functions Functions: mesh3, slice3, slice2, pl3tree, split_palette, etc |
spline |
cubic spline and tensioned spline interpolation Functions: spline, tspline |
string |
String manipulation, other utilities Functions: strtrim, strtolower, getdate, reform, scalar, ... |
style |
low level peek and poke into graphics style sheets Functions: get_style, set_style, read_style, write_style |
sysafe |
Replacement for system function (but not $ syntax) Functions: sysafe, system |
test1 |
shock tracker test, poorly vectorizing |
test2 |
radiation escape factor calculation, highly vectorizing |
test3 |
scalar arithmetic performance test |
testb |
binary file I/O tests |
testg |
a few graphics tests (grtest is a crude tutorial) Functions: testg, lissajous, grtest |
testlp |
rough Yorick version of Linpack benchmark Function: testlp |
testm |
matrix and fft tests |
testp |
reasonably complete Yorick test suite, except graphics Just include it and the tests run immediately, includes: testb, test1, test2, test3 |
teststr | |
txpath |
replacement for old (before 1.5) meaning of text path= keyword Function: rotext |
ylmdec |
spherical harmonic decomposition sketch for hex package |
zroots |
find roots of polynomial Function: zroots |