functions in fits.i - F
FitsHeader - a Yorick structure defined to store (part of) FITS header information. The structure has the following members: bitpix - bits-per-pixel: 8 pixel values are unsigned bytes 16 pixel values are signed 2-byte integers 32 pixel values are signed 4-byte integers -32 pixel values are 4-byte floating points -64 pixel values are 8-byte floating points naxis - number of axis axis(k) - number of pixel along k-th axis bscale - pixelValue = BZERO+BSCALE*fileValue bzero - pixelValue = BZERO+BSCALE*fileValue bunit - brightness unit datamax - maximum data value in the file datamin - minimum data value in the file object - image name date - date of file creation (dd/mm/yy) date_obs - date of data acquisition (dd/mm/yy) origin - institution instrume - data acquisition instrument telescop - data acquisition telescope observer - observer name/identification history - newline separated history lines comment - newline separated comment lines epoch - epoch of coordinate system (year) crval(k) - coord = CRVAL+(pixel-CRPIX)*CDELT crpix(k) - coord = CRVAL+(pixel-CRPIX)*CDELT cdelt(k) - coord = CRVAL+(pixel-CRPIX)*CDELT ctype(k) - type of physical coordinate crota(k) - rotation angle of axis No. # Keyword, defined at i/fits.i line 3450SEE ALSO: fits, fitsMakeOldHeader