functions in hex.i - b
nlist = bi_dir(tracker, mesh, rays, slimits, c, s) Perform hexX_track and track_reduce on a ray that enters the problem at the given point on the ray. This requires tracking the ray in both directions from the given point, hence this function name indicating bi-directional tracking. This is unnecessary when the entry point search was over the problem boundary, or when the SLIMITS for the rays always lie in one direction relative to the starting point. TRACKER is the function used to track the rays, normally one of hex5_track, hex_24f_track, or hex24b_track. MESH is the problem mesh returned by hex_mesh or hydra_mesh; it should be generated using the entry option that finds the cell containing the given point on the ray. RAYS is the 3-by-nrays-by-2 array of rays, as for hex5_track SLIMITS is nil or the ray tracking limits as for track_reduce C, S, together with NLIST are the output arrays, as for track_reduce Interpreted function, defined at i0/hex.i line 226SEE ALSO: track_reduce, hex5_track, hex24f_track, hex24b_track, track_combine