functions in hex.i - p
rays= pic3_rays(xpict, ypict, ray) or rays= pic3_rays(xpict, ypict, ray, q_up) Like picture_rays, but returns rays in the [p,q] representation appropriate for hex5_track. (XPICT,YPICT) are 2D arrays of pixel corners in the image plane; RAY is the central ray (0,0) in (XPICT,YPICT) coordinates, given in [p,q] representation (i.e. RAY is a 3-by-2 array). The optional Q_UP is a 3-vector specifying the orientation of the y-axis in the picture plane (see theta_up, phi_up in picture_rays for a description of default orientation). Q_UP must not be parallel to RAY(,2). Interpreted function, defined at i0/hex.i line 96SEE ALSO: hex5_track, conv3_rays, picture_rays