 * jpeg.i -- $Id$
 * yorick interface to jpeg image compression
 * ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg/      http://www.faqs.org/faqs/jpeg-faq/

if (!is_void(plug_in)) plug_in, "yorz";

extern jpeg_read ;
/* DOCUMENT image = jpeg_read(filename)
 *       or image = jpeg_read(filename, comments)
 *       or shape = jpeg_read(filename, comments, [0,0,0,0])
 *       or image = jpeg_read(filename, comments, subset)
 * Read jpeg file FILENAME.  The returned IMAGE is 3-by-width-by-height
 * for rgb images (the usual case) or just width-by-height for grayscale
 * images.  Note that the scanline order is top-to-bottom.
 * If COMMENTS is present, it must be a simple variable reference.
 * That variable will be set to either nil or a string array containing
 * all the descriptive comments in the file.
 * In the third form, the return value is [nchan,width,height] instead
 * of the image, where nchan=1 or nchan=3.
 * In the fourth form, SUBSET is [i0,i1,j0,j1] and the returned image is
 * the subset full_image(..,i0:i1,j0:j1) of the full image.  (This is
 * inefficient, but, for example, some Mars Rover pictures released by
 * NASA are inconveniently large.)
 * SEE ALSO: jpeg_write

extern jpeg_write ;
/* DOCUMENT jpeg_write, filename, image
 *       or jpeg_write, filename, image, comments, quality
 * Write jpeg file FILENAME containing IMAGE at the specified QUALITY.
 * The default QUALITY is 75; the range is from 0 to 100.  The IMAGE
 * can be either 3-by-width-by-height for rgb or width-by-height for
 * grayscale.  Note that scanline order is top-to-bottom.
 * If COMMENTS is non-nil, it is a string or an array of strings that
 * will be written as descriptive comments in the jpeg file.
 * SEE ALSO: jpeg_read