functions in drat.i - B
B_nu(hnu, kt) returns the specific intensity emitted by a black surface at photon energy HNU and temperature KT. The units of HNU and KT must be the same. The units of the result are determined by the variable B_nu_scale, which must be consistent with the units of HNU and KT. B_nu_scale is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (sigma in sigma*T^4) times 15/pi^5. By default, B_nu_scale is set to 0.05040366 ((jrk/sh)/(cm^2 ster))/keV^4. (1 jrk/sh = 10^17 W) HNU and KT may be arrays, provided they are conformable. Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 959SEE ALSO: B_nu_bar
B_nu_bar(hnub, kt) returns the specific intensity emitted by a black surface at temperature KT in the energy bins whose boundary energies are HNUB. HNUB must be a 1-D array of bin boundary energies; the units of KT must match the units of KT. Both are in keV, by default; see B_nu for a discussion of units. The result will have dimensions (numberof(HNUB)-1)-by-dimsof(KT). The algorithm has an accuracy of 0.2 percent. The idea is to difference an analytic approximation to the integral of B_nu. Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 983SEE ALSO: B_nu