functions in graph.i - e
ecolor Keyword, defined at i0/graph.i line 1181SEE edges
edges= plotting keyword or ecolor= plotting keyword or ewidth= plotting keyword set the appearance of zone edges in a filled mesh plot (plf or plfp). By default, edges=0, and the zone edges are not plotted. If edges=1, a solid line is drawn around each zone after it is filled; the edge color and width are given by ecolor and ewidth, which are "fg" and 1.0 by default. PLOTTING COMMANDS: plf Keyword, defined at i0/graph.i line 1181SEE ALSO: color, width
eps, name writes the picture in the current graphics window to the Encapsulated PostScript file NAME+".eps" (i.e.- the suffix .eps is added to NAME). This function requires ghostscript. Any hardcopy file associated with the current window is first closed, but the default hardcopy file is unaffected. As a side effect, legends are turned off and color table dumping is turned on for the current window. The external variable EPSGS_CMD contains the command to start ghostscript. Interpreted function, defined at i0/graph.i line 198SEE ALSO: pdf, epsi, hcps, window, fma, hcp, hcp_finish, plg
eps, name writes the picture in the current graphics window to the Encapsulated PostScript file NAME+".epsi" (i.e.- the suffix .epsi is added to NAME). The eps function requires the ps2epsi utility which comes with the project GNU Ghostscript program. Any hardcopy file associated with the current window is first closed, but the default hardcopy file is unaffected. As a side effect, legends are turned off and color table dumping is turned on for the current window. The external variable PS2EPSI_FORMAT contains the format for the command to start the ps2epsi program. Interpreted function, defined at i0/graph.i line 178SEE ALSO: eps, hcps, window, fma, hcp, hcp_finish, plg
ewidth Keyword, defined at i0/graph.i line 1181SEE edges