functions in graph.i - r
range, ymin, ymax sets the y-axis plot limits in the current coordinate system to YMIN, YMAX, which may be nil or omitted to leave the corresponding limit unchanged, a number to fix the corresponding limit to a specified value, or the string "e" to make the corresponding limit take on the extreme value of the currently displayed data. Use limits, xmin, xmin to accomplish the same function for the x-axis plot limits. Interpreted function, defined at i0/graph.i line 836SEE ALSO: plsys, limits, logxy, plg
raw_style: get_style, set_style, read_style, write_style #include "style.i" alternatives to the style= keyword of the window command which allow the interpreter to set or get all the details of the window style. Include "style.i" and read the help for get_style. Builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i line 1515
rays= plotting keyword selects unadorned lines (rays=0), or lines with occasional ray arrows (rays=1). Ignored if type is "none". The spacing and phase of the occasional arrows can be altered using the rspace and rphase keywords; the shape of the arrowhead can be modified using the arroww and arrowl keywords. PLOTTING COMMANDS: plg, plc Keyword, defined at i0/graph.i line 1042SEE ALSO: type, width, color, marker, marks, rspace, rphase, arroww, arrowl
redraw redraws the X window associated with the current graphics window. Builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i line 334SEE ALSO: window, fma, hcp, plg
region= plotting keyword selects the part of mesh to consider. The region should match one of the numbers in the IREG array. Putting region=0 (the default) means to plot the entire mesh, that is, everything EXCEPT region zero (non-existent zones). Any other number means to plot only the specified region number; region=3 would plot region 3 only. PLOTTING COMMANDS: plm, plc, plv, plf Keyword, defined at i0/graph.i line 1139
rgb = rgb_read() or rgb = rgb_read(n) Read contents of current graphics window, or of graphics window N. RGB is a 3xNXxNY array of char where NXxNY is the current shape of the window in pixels. RGB(1,,) is the red component, RGB(2,,) is the green component, and RGB(3,,) is the blue component, with 0 black and 255 full intensity. RGB(,,1) is the top row of the window, RGB(,,2) the second row, and so on to RGB(,,0), which is the bottom row. (So RGB(,,::-1) to pli redraws a copy.) Builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i line 1452
rphase Keyword, defined at i0/graph.i line 1054SEE rspace
rspace= plotting keyword or rphase= plotting keyword or arroww= plotting keyword or arrowl= plotting keyword selects the spacing, phase, and size of occasional ray arrows placed along polylines. The spacing and phase are in NDC units (0.0013 NDC equals 1.0 point); the default rspace is 0.13, and the default rphase is 0.11375, but rphase is automatically incremented for successive curves on a single plot. The arrowhead width, arroww, and arrowhead length, arrowl are in relative units, defaulting to 1.0, which translates to an arrowhead 10 points long and 4 points in half-width. PLOTTING COMMANDS: plg Keyword, defined at i0/graph.i line 1054SEE ALSO: type, width, color, marks, marker, rays