functions in plwf.i - p


    plwf, z  
 or plwf, z, y,x  

  plots a 3-D wire frame of the given Z array, which must have the  
  same dimensions as the mesh (X, Y).  If X and Y are not given, they  
  default to the first and second indices of Z, respectively.  
  The drawing order of the zones is determined by a simple "painter's  
  algorithm", which works fairly well if the mesh is reasonably near  
  rectilinear, but can fail even then if the viewpoint is chosen to  
  produce extreme fisheye perspective effects.  Look at the resulting  
  plot carefully to be sure the algorithm has correctly rendered the  
  model in each case.  
KEYWORDS: fill   -- optional colors to use (default is to make zones  
                    have background color), same dimension options as  
                    for z argument to plf function  
          shade  -- set non-zero to compute shading from current  
                    3D lighting sources  
          edges  -- default is 1 (draw edges), but if you provide fill  
                    colors, you may set to 0 to supress the edges  
          ecolor, ewidth  -- color and width of edges  
          cull   -- default is 1 (cull back surfaces), but if you want  
                    to see the "underside" of the model, set to 0  
          scale  -- by default, Z is scaled to "reasonable" maximum  
                    and minimum values related to the scale of (X,Y).  
                    This keyword alters the default scaling factor, in  
                    the sense that scale=2.0 will produce twice the  
                    Z-relief of the default scale=1.0.  
          cmax   -- the ambient= keyword in light3 can be used to  
                    control how dark the darkest surface is; use this  
                    to control how light the lightest surface is  
                    the lightwf routine can change this parameter  
  Interpreted function, defined at i/plwf.i   line 13  

SEE ALSO: lightwf,   plm,   plf,   orient3,   light3,   window3,   limit3