functions in png.i - p
image = png_map(full_image, nfo) maps FULL_IMAGE to png-stored values, according to the pCAL information in NFO. The NFO parameter may be either the array of pointers as returned by png_read, or an array of reals as for *nfo(4) (see png_read). You can use png_pcal to compute an NFO mapping tailored to IMAGE. Interpreted function, defined at i0/png.i line 367SEE ALSO: png_pcal, png_scale, png_read, png_write
pcal = png_pcal(image) or pcal = png_pcal(image, depth) KEYWORDS: cmin=, cmax=, res=, log= cmin, cmax clip image to these minimum and maximum values res image "resolution", or minimum step size log non-zero forces log map if image all positive or all negative returns 8-element pCAL png mapping for IMAGE, appropriate for use as pcal= keyword in png_write. The png_map function applies pcal to produce the as-stored char or short array; the png_scale function applies pcal to recreate the original IMAGE from the as-stored array. There are three kinds of pCAL mappings: linear, log, and asinh. Linear and log scales are familiar; the asinh scale is a modified log scale that can be used for arrays that change sign: linear: image = a*stored + b log: image = b * exp(a*stored) asinh: image = b * sinh(a*(stored - mx/2)) You can specify a bit DEPTH for the stored array, which can be between 2 and 16 inclusive. For bit depth 1, just threshhold the image (image>const_thresh). By default, for integer IMAGE, DEPTH is the smallest depth that covers the range of IMAGE values, but never more than 16. For float or double IMAGE, the default DEPTH is always 16. If IMAGE has any integer data type, the pCAL mapping will always be linear; use IMAGE+0.0 if you want a log or asinh map. The png pCAL definition allows b<0 in the log scale, so it can be used for image values that are either all positive or all negative. In either case, the integer stored values take equal ratio steps from the minimum to the maximum image values (or cmin and cmax). For the linear scale, of course, each step in the stored integer represents an constant increment in the image value. The asinh scale is a logarithmic ratio scale for stored values near 0 or mx (the maximum stored integer value), reverting to a linear scale near the middle of its range where the image value passes through zero. To get the asinh scale, you must specify the res= keyword: You must specify the smallest step size for the asinh scale by setting the res= keyword. For a log scale, the res= value will replace the actual minimum array value or cmin value (or cmax if image is all negative values), clipping any smaller absolute values. If mx is large enough to cover the whole scale with the given res= value in linear steps, a linear scale will be used. You can specify log=1 to force log scaling if image is all positive or all negative. Interpreted function, defined at i0/png.i line 430SEE ALSO: png_scale, png_write, png_read
image = png_read(filename) or image = png_read(filename, depth, nfo) Read png file FILENAME. The returned IMAGE is either an array of char or short, unless type= is specified (see below). The IMAGE may have a leading dimension of 2 if it is gray+alpha, 3 if it is rgb, or 4 if it is rgba. In the second form, DEPTH and NFO must be simple variable references. NFO is set to a pointer array to descriptive information by png_read: *nfo(1) = PLTE 3-by-N char array of palette rgb values *nfo(2) = tRNS char array of alpha (opacity) values corresponding to PLTE or single gray or rgb short value (transparent) *nfo(3) = bKGD single gray or rgb short value note that bKGD and the single value tRNS have the same range and meaning as a pixel value, in particular, for a pseudocolor image, they represent a palette index *nfo(4) = pCAL [x0,x1,max,eqtype,p0,p1,p2,p3,...] physical pixel value relation between pixel value and physical value array of double values (see below for meaning) *nfo(5) = pCAL [calibration_name, unit_name] string pair *nfo(6) = sCAL [wide,high,sunit] physical scale of pixels as scanned or printed, sunit 1.0 for meters or 2.0 for radians *nfo(7) = pHYs long [n_xpix,n_ypix,per_meter] values n_xpix,n_ypix are pixels per unit, per_meter is 0 for aspect ratio only, 1 for meters *nfo(8) = tEXt (or zTXt or iTXt) 2-by-N string array of (key,text) *nfo(9) = tIME string value image modification time any or all of these NFO values may be nil. The four character designators (e.g. PLTE) are the png chunk names for the corresponding information. pCAL array of doubles has following meaning: max = 2^depth-1 original = long( floor( (image(i)*(x1-x0)+long(max)/2) / max ) ) + x0 image(i) = long( floor( ((original-x0)*max+long(x1-x0)/2) / (x1-x0) ) ) eqtype = 0 physical = p0 + p1*original/(x1-x0) eqtype = 1 physical = p0 + p1*exp(p2*original/(x1-x0)) eqtype = 2 physical = p0 + p1*p2^(original/(x1-x0)) eqtype = 3 physical = p0 + p1*sinh(p2*(original-p3)/(x1-x0)) If the type= keyword is non-nil and non-zero, the returned value is as if png_scale(image, nfo, type=type), which scales the raw image according to the information in pCAL, or is a no-op if pCAL does not exist. Interpreted function, defined at i0/png.i line 8SEE ALSO: png_write, png_scale
image = png_scale(raw_image, nfo, type=type) scales RAW_IMAGE to type TYPE (char, short, int, long, float, or double, according to the pCAL information in NFO. The NFO parameter may be either the array of pointers returned by png_read, or an array of reals as for *nfo(4) (see png_read). Interpreted function, defined at i0/png.i line 291SEE ALSO: png_map, png_read, png_write
png_write, filename, image or png_write, filename, image, depth, nfo Write png file FILENAME containing IMAGE at the specified DEPTH. The default DEPTH is 8 bits. For grayscale IMAGE, 1<=DEPTH<=16, otherwise depth is 8 or 16. If NFO is specified, it is an array of pointers as described in the help for png_read. You can optionally specify the same information as keywords: palette=[[r0,g0,b0],[r1,g1,b1],...] alpha=[a0,a1,...] if image is simple 2D and palette specified trns=value if image is gray (no palette) [r,g,b] if image is color illegal if image has alpha channel bkgd=value or [r,g,b] suggested background color note that bkgd and trns have the same range and meaning as a pixel value, in particular, for a pseudocolor, a palette index pcal=[x0,x1,max,eqtype,p0,p1,p2,p3,...] pcals=[calibration_name, unit_name] as for pCAL (see png_read) scal=[wide,high,sunit] as for sCAL (see png_read) phys=[n_xpix,n_ypix,per_meter] as for pHYs (see png_read) text=[[key1,text1],[key1,text1],...] recognized keys are: Title, Author, Description, Copyright, Creation Time, Software, Disclaimer, Warning, Source (a device), and Comment time=string modification time (timestamp() is default) When both NFO and keywords are supplied, the keywords override any corresponding value in nfo. If IMAGE has a data type other than short or char, a default pCAL will be supplied if it is a simple grayscale (2D) image. If DEPTH is not supplied, it defaults to 8 if IMAGE is type char and/or if a palette is supplied, or to 16 otherwise. Interpreted function, defined at i0/png.i line 76SEE ALSO: png_read, png_map