functions in std.i - t



Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 565  

SEE sin  



Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 604  

SEE sinh  


    timer, elapsed  
 or timer, elapsed, split  

updates the ELAPSED and optionally SPLIT timing arrays.  These  
arrays must each be of type array(double,3); the layout is  
[cpu, system, wall], with all three times measured in seconds.  
ELAPSED is updated to the total times elapsed since this copy  
of Yorick started.  SPLIT is incremented by the difference between  
the new values of ELAPSED and the values of ELAPSED on entry.  
This feature allows for primitive code profiling by keeping  
separate accounting of time usage in several categories, e.g.--  
   elapsed= total= cat1= cat2= cat3= array(double, 3);  
   timer, elapsed0;  
   elasped= elapsed0;  
   ... category 1 code ...  
   timer, elapsed, cat1;  
   ... category 2 code ...  
   timer, elapsed, cat2;  
   ... category 3 code ...  
   timer, elapsed, cat3;  
   ... more category 2 code ...  
   timer, elapsed, cat2;  
   timer, elapsed0, total;  
The wall time is not absolutely reliable, owning to possible  
rollover at midnight.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 3555  

SEE ALSO: timestamp,   timer_print  


    timer_print, label1, split1, label2, split2, ...  
 or timer_print  
 or timer_print, label_total  

prints out a timing summary for splits accumulated by timer.  
   timer_print, "category 1", cat1, "category 2", cat2,  
                "category 3", cat3, "total", total;  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i   line 3583  

SEE ALSO: timer  



returns string of the form "Sun Jan  3 15:14:13 1988" -- always  
has 24 characters.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 3548  

SEE ALSO: timer  


 or transpose(x, permutation1, permutation2, ...)  

transpose the first and last dimensions of array X.  In the second  
form, each PERMUTATION specifies a simple permutation of the  
dimensions of X.  These permutations are compounded left to right  
to determine the final permutation to be applied to the dimensions  
of X.  Each PERMUTATION is either an integer or a 1D array of  
integers.  A 1D array specifies a cyclic permutation of the  
dimensions as follows: [3, 5, 2] moves the 3rd dimension to the  
5th dimension, the 5th dimension to the 2nd dimension, and the 2nd  
dimension to the 3rd dimension.  Non-positive numbers count from the  
end of the dimension list of X, so that 0 is the final dimension,  
-1 in the next to last, etc.  A scalar PERMUTATION is a shorthand  
for a cyclic permutation of all of the dimensions of X.  The value  
of the scalar is the dimension to which the 1st dimension will move.  
Examples:  Let x have dimsof(x) equal [6, 1,2,3,4,5,6] in order  
   to be able to easily identify a dimension by its length. Then:  
   dimsof(x)                          == [6, 1,2,3,4,5,6]  
   dimsof(transpose(x))               == [6, 6,2,3,4,5,1]  
   dimsof(transpose(x,[1,2]))         == [6, 2,1,3,4,5,6]  
   dimsof(transpose(x,[1,0]))         == [6, 6,2,3,4,5,1]  
   dimsof(transpose(x,2))             == [6, 6,1,2,3,4,5]  
   dimsof(transpose(x,0))             == [6, 2,3,4,5,6,1]  
   dimsof(transpose(x,3))             == [6, 5,6,1,2,3,4]  
   dimsof(transpose(x,[4,6,3],[2,5])) == [6, 1,5,6,3,2,4]  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1274  




returns a string describing the type of object.  For the basic  
data types, these are "char", "short", "int", "long", "float",  
"double", "complex", "string", "pointer", "struct_instance",  
"void", "range", "struct_definition", "function", "builtin",  
"stream" (for a binary stream), and "text_stream".  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 445  

SEE ALSO: structof,   dimsof,   sizeof,   numberof,   nameof