Table of Contents
1. Basic Ideas
1.1 Simple Statements
1.2 Flow Control Statements
1.2.1 Defining a function
1.2.2 Defining Procedures
1.2.3 Conditional Execution
1.2.4 Loops
- The while and do while statements The for statement Using break, continue, and goto
1.3.1 Starting, stopping, and interrupting Yorick
1.3.2 Include files
- A sample include file Comments DOCUMENT comments Where Yorick looks for include files The `custom.i' file and `i-start/' directory
1.3.4 The info function
1.3.5 Prompts
1.3.6 Shell commands, removing and renaming files
1.3.7 Error Messages
2.1 Creating Arrays
2.2 Interpolating
2.3 Indexing
2.3.1 Scalar indices and array order
2.3.2 Selecting a range of indices
2.3.3 Nil index refers to an entire dimension
2.3.4 Selecting an arbitrary list of indices
2.3.5 Creating a pseudo-index
2.3.6 Numbering a dimension from its last element
2.3.7 Using a rubber index
2.3.8 Marking an index for matrix multiplication
2.3.9 Rank reducing (statistical) range functions
2.3.10 Rank preserving (finite difference) range functions
2.5 Transposing
2.6 Broadcasting and conformability
2.7 Dimension Lists
3.1 Primitive plotting functions
3.1.1 plg
3.1.2 pldj
3.1.3 plm
3.1.4 plc and plfc
3.1.5 plf
3.1.6 pli
3.1.7 plfp
3.1.8 plv
3.1.9 plt
3.3 Managing a display list
3.4 Getting hardcopy
3.5 Graphics style
3.6 Queries, edits, and legends
3.7 Defaults for keywords
3.8 Writing new plotting functions
3.9 Animation
3.10 3D graphics interfaces
Concept Index