Top: Yorick Contents: Table of Contents Index: Concept Index About: About this document


1. Basic Ideas  A tutorial-like introductory chapter.
2. Using Array Syntax  Using array syntax.
3. Graphics  How to plot things.
4. Embedding Compiled Routines Inside Yorick  Embedding compiled code in a custom Yorick.
Concept Index  

 -- The Detailed Node Listing ---

Basic Ideas

1.1 Simple Statements  
1.2 Flow Control Statements  Defining functions, conditionals, and loops.
1.3 The Interpreted Environment  How to use Yorick's interpreted environment.

Simple Statements

1.1.1 Defining a variable  
1.1.2 Invoking a procedure  
1.1.3 Printing an expression  

Flow Control Statements

1.2.1 Defining a function  
1.2.2 Defining Procedures  
1.2.3 Conditional Execution  Conditionally executing statements.
1.2.4 Loops  Repeatedly executing statements.
1.2.5 Variable scope  Local and external variables.

Conditional Execution General if and else constructs Combining conditions with && and ||  

Loops The while and do while statements The for statement Using break, continue, and goto  How to break, continue, and goto from a loop body.

Variable scope extern statements local statements  

The Interpreted Environment

1.3.1 Starting, stopping, and interrupting Yorick  
1.3.2 Include files  How to read Yorick statements from a file.
1.3.3 The help function  Using the help command.
1.3.4 The info function  Getting information about a variable.
1.3.5 Prompts  What Yorick prompts mean.
1.3.6 Shell commands, removing and renaming files  Issuing shell commands from within Yorick.
1.3.7 Error Messages  What to do when Yorick detects an error.

Include files A sample include file Comments DOCUMENT comments  The help command recognizes special comments. Where Yorick looks for include files  Directories Yorick searches for include files. The `custom.i' file and `i-start/' directory  How to execute Yorick statements at startup.

Error Messages Runtime errors How to respond to a runtime error  

Using Array Syntax

2.1 Creating Arrays  How to originate arrays.
2.2 Interpolating  Interpolation functions.
2.3 Indexing  How to reference array elements.
2.4 Sorting  How to sort an array.
2.5 Transposing  How to change the order of array dimensions.
2.6 Broadcasting and conformability  Making arrays conformable.
2.7 Dimension Lists  


2.3.1 Scalar indices and array order  
2.3.2 Selecting a range of indices  
2.3.3 Nil index refers to an entire dimension  
2.3.4 Selecting an arbitrary list of indices  
2.3.5 Creating a pseudo-index  
2.3.6 Numbering a dimension from its last element  
2.3.7 Using a rubber index  
2.3.8 Marking an index for matrix multiplication  
2.3.9 Rank reducing (statistical) range functions  
2.3.10 Rank preserving (finite difference) range functions  


3.1 Primitive plotting functions  The basic drawing functions.
3.2 Plot limits and relatives  Setting plot limits, log scaling, etc.
3.3 Managing a display list  The display list model.
3.4 Getting hardcopy  How to get it.
3.5 Graphics style  How to change it.
3.6 Queries, edits, and legends  Seeing legends and making minor changes.
3.7 Defaults for keywords  Setting (non-default) defaults.
3.8 Writing new plotting functions  Combining the plotting primitives.
3.9 Animation  Spielberg look out.
3.10 3D graphics interfaces  An experimental interface.

Primitive plotting functions

3.1.1 plg  Plot graph.
3.1.2 pldj  Plot disjoint lines.
3.1.3 plm  Plot quadrilateral mesh.
3.1.4 plc and plfc  Plot contours.
3.1.5 plf  Plot filled quadrilateral mesh.
3.1.6 pli  Plot image.
3.1.7 plfp  Plot filled polygons.
3.1.8 plv  Plot vectors.
3.1.9 plt  Plot text.

Plot limits and relatives

3.2.1 limits  Set plot limits.
3.2.2 logxy  Set log axis scaling.
3.2.3 gridxy  Set grid lines.
3.2.4 palette  Set color palette.
3.2.5 Color model  More about color.

limits Zooming with the mouse  How to zoom by mouse clicks. Saving plot limits  Save and restore plot limits. Forcing square limits  Assure that circles are not ellipses.

Managing a display list

3.3.1 fma and redraw  Frame advance (begin next picture).
3.3.2 Multiple graphics windows  How to get them.

Getting hardcopy

3.4.1 Color hardcopy  Dumping palettes into hardcopy files.
3.4.2 Binary CGM caveats  Caveats about binary CGM format.
3.4.3 Encapsulated PostScript  Encapsulated PostScript output.

Graphics style

3.5.1 Style keyword  Accessing predefined graphics styles.
3.5.2 `style.i' functions  Bypassing predefined graphics styles.
3.5.3 Coordinate systems  Multiple coordinate systems.
3.5.4 Ticks and labels  How to change them.

Queries, edits, and legends

3.6.1 Legends  Setting plot legends.
3.6.2 plq and pledit  The plot query and edit functions.

3D graphics interfaces

3.10.1 Coordinate mapping  Changing your viewpoint.
3.10.2 Lighting  The 3D lighting model.
3.10.3 gnomon  Gnomon indicates axis orientation.
3.10.4 plwf interface  The plot wire frame interface.
3.10.5 slice3 interface  The slice and isosurface interface.