functions in drat.i - g
gauss_gate(times) gate function used by gaussian_gate. Refer to the source code to learn how to write your own gate function, making proper use of drat_start and drat_stop options in addition to the input times. Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 797SEE ALSO: gaussian_gate, drat_gate
gauss_int(t) returns time integral of Gaussian specified in call to gaussian_gate. Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 822
gaussian_gate(t0, tsigma, max_trans) sets the drat_gate for the snap function to be a Gaussian centered at time T0, with sigma TSIGMA, and maximum transmission fraction MAX_TRANS. Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 841SEE ALSO: snap, drat_gate
get_kaps Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 1041
ray_info= get_ray_path(path, rt, zt) where PATH is one element of an array returned by track_rays, returns the points where the ray cut the edges of the mesh (ZT, RT). The returned RAY_INFO has two components: RAY_INFO(,1) is the z coordinates and RAY_INFO(,2) is the r coordinates. Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 1255SEE ALSO: track_rays
get_std_limits(rays, slimits) returns slimits suitable for internal routines: 2-by-nrays, with s=0 at point of closest approach to origin Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 913
guess_symmetry, f or guess_symmetry(f) guesses the symmetry of the problem in the dump file F based on the variables f.isymz, f.rt, and f.zt. If called as a subroutine, prints one of: "no symmetry", "z=0 reflection symmetry", or "spherical symmetry" If called as a function, returns 0, 1, or 2, respectively. Interpreted function, defined at i0/drat.i line 931