functions in gammp.i - g
gammp(a, x) or gammp(a, x, q, lg) return P(a,x) = int[0 to x]{ du * u^(a-1)*exp(-u) } / gamma(a) optionally return Q(a,x) = 1-P(a,x) and ln(gamma(a)) Note that erf(x)=gammp(0.5,x^2) and erfc(x)=gammq(0.5,x^2) Also P(chi2|nu)=gammp(0.5*nu,0.5*chi2) and Q(chi2|nu)=gammq(0.5*nu,0.5*chi2) are the probabilities that an observed chi-square be less than or greater than (P or Q) chi2 when there are nu degrees of freedom (terms in the chi-square sum). Interpreted function, defined at i/gammp.i line 14SEE ALSO: gammq, betai, ln_gamma
gammq(a, x) or gammq(a, x, p, lg) return Q(a,x) = 1 - int[0 to x]{ du * u^(a-1)*exp(-u) } / gamma(a) optionally return P(a,x) = 1-Q(a,x) and ln(gamma(a)) Note that erf(x)=gammp(0.5,x^2) and erfc(x)=gammq(0.5,x^2) Also P(chi2|nu)=gammp(0.5*nu,0.5*chi2) and Q(chi2|nu)=gammq(0.5*nu,0.5*chi2) are the probabilities that an observed chi-square be less than or greater than (P or Q) chi2 when there are nu degrees of freedom (terms in the chi-square sum). Interpreted function, defined at i/gammp.i line 50SEE ALSO: gammp, betai, ln_gamma