all functions - f


    z = f2z(x)  

convert 2-by-dims float or double X to complex.  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/idlsave.i   line 306  



    f_inverse(f_and_dfdx, y, x0, x1, xerr)  
 or f_inverse(f_and_dfdx, y, x0, x1, xerr)  

Find values of an inverse function by Newton-Raphson iteration,  
backed up by bisection if the convergence seems poor.  The  
subroutine F_AND_DFDX must be defined as:  
     func F_AND_DFDX (x, &f, &dfdx)  
returning both the function value f(x) and derivative dfdx(x).  
If the input x is an array, the returned f and dfdx must have  
the same shape as the input x.  If F_AND_DFDX always returns  
zero dfdx, f_inverse will use bisection.  
The result x will have the same shape as the input Y values.  
The values of x are constrained to lie within the interval from  
X0 to X1; the function value must be on opposite sides of the  
required Y at these interval endpoints.  The iteration stops  
when the root is known to within XERR, or to machine precision  
if XERR is nil or zero.  X0, X1, and XERR may be arrays conformable  
with Y.  
f_inverse takes the same number of iterations for every Y value;  
it does not notice that some may have converged before others.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/roots.i   line 102  

SEE ALSO: nraphson  



return list of prime factors of X and their powers as an n-by-2  
array.  May include a large non-prime factor if X exceeds 3e9.  
In any event, product(result(,1)^result(,2)) will equal abs(X).  
X must be a scalar integer type.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/gcd.i   line 83  

SEE ALSO: gcd,   lcm,   is_prime  



return Fermi-Dirac integral of order 1/2,  
   fd12(x) = integral[0 to inf]{ dt * t^0.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
accurate to about 1e-12  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermi.i   line 56  

SEE ALSO: fdm12,   fd32,   fd52,   ifdm12,   ifd12,   ifd32,   ifd52  



return Fermi-Dirac integral of order 3/2,  
   fd32(x) = integral[0 to inf]{ dt * t^1.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
accurate to about 1e-12  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermi.i   line 96  

SEE ALSO: fdm12,   fd12,   fd52,   ifdm12,   ifd12,   ifd32,   ifd52  



return Fermi-Dirac integral of order 5/2,  
   fd52(x) = integral[0 to inf]{ dt * t^2.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
accurate to about 1e-12  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermi.i   line 135  

SEE ALSO: fdm12,   fd12,   fd32,   ifdm12,   ifd12,   ifd32,   ifd52  


    fdi12(x, b)  

return incomplete Fermi-Dirac integral of order 1/2,  
   fdi12(x, b) = integral[b to inf]{ dt * t^0.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
default accuracy to about 1e-10  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermii.i   line 44  

SEE ALSO: fdim12,   fdi32,   fdi52  


    fdi32(x, b)  

return incomplete Fermi-Dirac integral of order 1/2,  
   fdi32(x, b) = integral[b to inf]{ dt * t^1.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
default accuracy to about 1e-10  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermii.i   line 70  

SEE ALSO: fdim12,   fdi12,   fdi52  


    fdi52(x, b)  

return incomplete Fermi-Dirac integral of order 1/2,  
   fdi32(x, b) = integral[b to inf]{ dt * t^2.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
default accuracy to about 1e-10  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermii.i   line 96  

SEE ALSO: fdim12,   fdi12,   fdi32  


    fdim12(x, b)  

return incomplete Fermi-Dirac integral of order -1/2,  
   fdim12(x, b) = integral[b to inf]{ dt * t^-0.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
default accuracy to about 1e-10  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermii.i   line 18  

SEE ALSO: fdi12,   fdi32,   fdi52  



return Fermi-Dirac integral of order -1/2,  
   fdm12(x) = integral[0 to inf]{ dt * t^-0.5 / (exp(t-x)+1) }  
accurate to about 1e-12  
 Interpreted function, defined at i/fermi.i   line 15  

SEE ALSO: fd12,   fd32,   fd52,   ifdm12,   ifd12,   ifd32,   ifd52  


    fflush, file  

flush the I/O buffers for the text file FILE.  (Binary files are  
flushed at the proper times automatically.)  You should only need  
this after a write, especially to a pipe.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 1956  

SEE ALSO: write,   popen  


    fft(x, direction)  
    fft(x, ljdir, rjdir)  
 or fft(x, ljdir, rjdir, setup=workspace)  

returns the complex Fast Fourier Transform of array X.  
The DIRECTION determines which direction the transform is in --  
e.g.- from time to frequency or vice-versa -- as follows:  
DIRECTION    meaning  
---------    -------  
    1        "forward" transform (coefficients of exp(+i * 2*pi*kl/N))  
             on every dimension of X  
   -1        "backward" transform (coefficients of exp(-i * 2*pi*kl/N))  
             on every dimension of X  
[1,-1,1]     forward transform on first and third dimensions of X,  
             backward transform on second dimension of X (any other  
             dimensions remain untransformed)  
[-1,0,0,1]   backward transform on first dimension of X, forward  
             transform on fourth dimension of X  
The third positional argument, if present, allows the direction  
of dimensions of X to be specified relative to the final dimension  
of X, instead of relative to the first dimension of X.  In this  
case, both LJDIR and RJDIR must be vectors of integers -- the  
scalar form is illegal:  
   LJDIR    RJDIR      meaning  
   -----    -----      -------  
   []        [1]       forward transform last dimension of X  
   [1]        []       forward transform first dimension of X  
   []        [-1,-1]   backward transform last two dimensions of X,  
                       leaving any other dimensions untransformed  
[-1,0,0,1]    []       backward transform on first dimension of X,  
                       forward transform on fourth dimension of X  
   []      [-1,0,0,1]  backward transform on 4th to last dimension of X,  
                       forward transform on last dimension of X  
Note that the final element of RJDIR corresponds to the last dimension  
of X, while the initial element of LJDIR corresponds to the first  
dimension of X.  
The explicit meaning of "forward" transform -- the coefficients of  
exp(+i * 2*pi*kl/N) -- is:  
result for j=1,...,n  
           result(j)=the sum from k=1,...,n of  
                       where i=sqrt(-1)  
Note that the result is unnormalized.  Applying the "backward"  
transform to the result of a "forward" transform returns N times  
the original vector of length N.  Equivalently, applying either  
the "forward" or "backward" transform four times in succession  
yields N^2 times the original vector of length N.  
Performing the transform requires some WORKSPACE, which can be  
set up beforehand by calling fft_setup, if fft is to be called  
more than once with arrays X of the same shape.  If no setup  
keyword argument is supplied, the workspace allocation and setup  
must be repeated for each call.  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/fft.i   line 20  

SEE ALSO: roll,   fft_setup,   fft_inplace  


    fft_braw, n, c, wsave  

Swarztrauber's cfftb.  You can use this to avoid the additional  
2*N storage incurred by fft_setup.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/fft.i   line 237  




     Interpreted function, defined at i0/fft.i   line 192  



    fft_fraw, n, c, wsave  

Swarztrauber's cfftf.  You can use this to avoid the additional  
2*N storage incurred by fft_setup.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/fft.i   line 228  




returns the smallest number of the form 2^x*3^y*5^z greater  
than or equal to n.  An fft of this length will be much faster  
than a number with larger prime factors; the speed difference  
can be an order of magnitude or more.  
For n>100, the worst cases result in a little over a 11% increase  
in n; for n>1000, the worst are a bit over 6%; still larger n are  
better yet.  The median increase for n<=10000 is about 1.5%.  

SEE ALSO: fft,   fft_setup,   convol  



returns the smallest number of the form 2^x*3^y*5^z greater  
than or equal to n.  An fft of this length will be much faster  
than a number with larger prime factors; the speed difference  
can be an order of magnitude or more.  
For n>100, the worst cases result in a little over a 11% increase  
in n; for n>1000, the worst are a bit over 6%; still larger n are  
better yet.  The median increase for n<=10000 is about 1.5%.  

SEE ALSO: fft,   fft_setup,   convol  


    fft_init, n, wsave  

Swarztrauber's cffti.  This actually requires wsave=array(0.0, 4*n+15),  
instead of the 6*n+15 doubles of storage used by fft_raw to handle the  
possibility of multidimensional arrays.  If the storage matters, you  
can call cfftf and/or cfftb as the Yorick functions fft_fraw and/or  
Builtin function, documented at i0/fft.i   line 216  



    fft_inplace, x, direction  
 or fft_inplace, x, ljdir, rjdir  
 or fft_inplace, x, ljdir, rjdir, setup=workspace  

is the same as the fft function, except that the transform is  
performed "in_place" on the array X, which must be of type complex.  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/fft.i   line 94  

SEE ALSO: fft,   fft_setup  



     Builtin function, documented at i0/fft.i   line 246  



    workspace= fft_setup(dimsof(x))  
 or workspace= fft_setup(dimsof(x), direction)  
 or workspace= fft_setup(dimsof(x), ljdir, rjdir)  

allocates and sets up the workspace for a subsequent call to  
       fft(X, DIRECTION, setup=WORKSPACE)  
       fft(X, LJDIR, RJDIR, setup=WORKSPACE)  
The DIRECTION or LJDIR, RJDIR arguments compute WORKSPACE only for  
the dimensions which will actually be transformed.  If only the  
dimsof(x) argument is supplied, then WORKSPACE will be enough to  
transform any or all dimensions of X.  With DIRECTION or LJDIR, RJDIR  
supplied, WORKSPACE will only be enough to compute the dimensions  
which are actually to be transformed.  The WORKSPACE does not  
depend on the sign of any element in the DIRECTION (or LJDIR, RJDIR),  
so you can use the same WORKSPACE for both "forward" and "backward"  
Furthermore, as long as the length of any dimensions of the array  
X to be transformed are present in WORKSPACE, it may be used in  
a call to fft with the array.  Thus, if X were a 25-by-64 array,  
and Y were a 64-vector, the following sequence is legal:  
     ws= fft_setup(dimsof(x));  
     xf= fft(x, 1, setup=ws);  
     yf= fft(y, -1, setup=ws);  
The WORKSPACE required for a dimension of length N is 6*N+15 doubles.  
Interpreted function, defined at i0/fft.i   line 137  

SEE ALSO: fft,   dimsof,   fft_inplace  


    fil_analyze, filt, poles, zeroes  

given a FILT, return the complex POLES and ZEROES, sorted in  
order of increasing imaginary part.  The real parts of POLES will  
all be negative if the FILT is stable.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 160  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_make  


    filt= fil_bessel(np, wc, db)  

returns the lowpass Bessel filter with NP poles, normalized  
such that at angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.  
(That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,  
 so that to_db(response(filt,WC))==DB.)  
A Bessel filter has the most nearly constant group delay time  
d(phase)/dw of any filter of the same order.  It minimizes pulse  
distortion, but does not cut off very rapidly in frequency.  
If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.  
If DB is nil, the filter is normalized such that both the s^0  
and s^NP terms are 1, unless the natural= keyword is non-zero,  
in which case the filter is normalized such that the group delay  
d(phase)/dw is -1 at w=0.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 178  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_analyze  


    filt= fil_butter(np, wc, db)  

returns the lowpass Butterworth filter with NP poles, normalized  
such that at angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.  
(That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,  
 so that to_db(response(filt,WC))==DB.)  
A Butterworth filter is the best Taylor series approximation to  
the ideal lowpass filter (a step in frequency) response at both  
w=0 and w=infinity.  
For wc=1 and db=10*log10(2), the square of the Butterworth frequency  
response is 1/(1+w^(2*np)).  
If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.  
If DB is nil, the filter is normalized "naturally", which is the  
same as DB=10*log10(2).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 226  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_analyze,   butter  


    filt= fil_cauer(np, ripple, atten, wc, db)  
 or filt= fil_cauer(np, ripple, -skirt, wc, db)  

returns the lowpass Cauer (elliptic) filter with NP poles, passband  
ripple RIPPLE and stopband attenuation ATTEN decibels, normalized  
such that at angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.  
(That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,  
 so that to_db(response(filter,WC))==DB.)  
If the third parameter is negative, its absolute value is SKIRT,  
the ratio of the frequency at which the stopband attenuation is  
first reached to the frequency at which the passband ends (where  
the attenuation is RIPPLE).  The closer to 1.0 SKIRT is, the  
smaller the equivalent ATTEN would be.  The external variable  
cauer_other is set to ATTEN if you provide SKIRT, and to SKIRT  
if you provide ATTEN.  
The Cauer filter has NP zeroes as well as NP poles.  
Consider the four parameters: (1) filter order, (2) transition  
("skirt") bandwidth, (3) passband ripple, and (4) stopband ripple.  
Given any three of these, the Cauer filter minimizes the fourth.  
If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.  
If DB is nil, the filter is normalized "naturally", which is the  
same as DB=RIPPLE.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 357  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_analyze,   cauer  


    filt= fil_cheby1(np, ripple, wc, db)  

returns the lowpass Chebyshev type I filter with NP poles, and  
passband ripple RIPPLE decibels, normalized such that at  
angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.  
(That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,  
 so that to_db(response(filter,WC))==DB.)  
A Chebyshev type I filter gives the smallest maximum error over the  
passband for any filter that is a Taylor series approximation to  
the ideal lowpass filter (a step in frequency) response at  
w=infinity.  It has NP/2 ripples of amplitude RIPPLE in its passband,  
and a smooth stopband.  
For wc=1 and db=ripple, the square of the Chebyshev frequency  
response is 1/(1+eps2*Tnp(w)), where eps2 = 10^(ripple/10)-1,  
and Tnp is the np-th Chebyshev polynomial, cosh(np*acosh(x)) or  
If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.  
If DB is nil, the filter is normalized "naturally", which is the  
same as DB=RIPPLE.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 263  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_analyze,   cheby1  


    filt= fil_cheby2(np, atten, wc, db)  

returns the lowpass Chebyshev type II filter with NP poles, and  
stopband attenuation ATTEN decibels, normalized such that at  
angular frequency WC, the attenuation is DB decibels.  
(That is, the attenuation factor is 10^(.05*DB) at WC,  
 so that to_db(response(filter,WC))==DB.)  
This is also called an inverse Chebyshev filter, since its poles  
are the reciprocals of a Chebyshev type I filter.  It has NP zeroes  
as well as NP poles.  
A Chebyshev type II filter gives the smallest maximum leakage over  
the stopband for any filter that is a Taylor series approximation to  
the ideal lowpass filter (a step in frequency) response at  
w=0.  It has NP/2 ripples of amplitude ATTEN in its stopband,  
and a smooth passband.  
For wc=1 and db=ripple, the square of the inverse Chebyshev frequency  
response is 1 - 1/(1+eps2*Tnp(1/w)), where eps2 = 10^(ripple/10)-1 =  
1/(10^(atten/10)-1) and Tnp is the np-th Chebyshev polynomial,  
cosh(np*acosh(x)) or cos(np*acos(x)).  
If WC is nil or zero, it defaults to 1.0.  
If DB is nil, the filter is normalized "naturally", which is the  
same as DB=ATTEN.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 305  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_analyze,   cheby2  


 or fil_delay(filt, 1)  

return the group delay d(phase)/dw at w=0 (zero frequency) for  
filter FILT.  By default, FILT is assumed to be normalized   
to an angular frequency (e.g.- radians per second), but if  
the 2nd parameter is non-nil and non-0 FILT is assumed to be  
normalized to a circular frequency (e.g.- Hz or GHz).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 93  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_butter,   fil_bessel,   fil_cheby1,   fil_cheby2,   fil_response,  
to_db,   to_phase  



    filt= fil_make(poles, zeroes)  

given the complex POLES and ZEROES, return a FILT.  The real  
parts of POLES must all be negative to make a stable FILT.  
Both POLES and ZEROES must occur in conjugate pairs in order to  
make a real filter (the returned filter is always real).  
The returned filter always has a0=1 (its DC gain is 1).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 126  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_analyze  



     Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 473  



    fil_poly(c, x)  

return c(1) + c(2)*x + c(3)*x^2 + c(4)*x^3 + ...  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 115  



    fil_response(filt, w)  

return the complex response of FILT at the frequencies W.  
The frequency scale for W depends on how FILT has been scaled;  
filters are rational functions in W.  
The to_db and to_phase functions may be useful for extracting  
the attenuation and phase parts of the complex response.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 72  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_butter,   fil_bessel,   fil_cheby1,   fil_cheby2,   fil_delay,  
to_db,   to_phase  



    filter(filt, dt, signal)  

apply the filter FILT to the input SIGNAL, which is sampled  
at times spaced by DT.  The filter is assumed to be normalized  
to an angular frequency (e.g.- radians per second), unless  
DT<0, in which case FILT is assumed to be normalized to a  
circular frequency (e.g.- Hz or GHz).  
The result will have the same length as SIGNAL; be sure to pad  
SIGNAL if you need the response to go beyond that time, or  
you can use the pad=n keyword to force the returned result to  
have N samples more than SIGNAL.  
If the shift= keyword is non-nil and non-0, then the result  
is shifted backward in time by the filter group delay at  
zero frequency.  
The impulse response of the FILT is also assumed to be shorter  
than the duration of signal, and SIGNAL is assumed to be sampled  
finely enough to resolve the FILT impulse response.  
FILT is an array of double, which represents a filter with  
a particular finite list of zeroes and poles.  See the specific  
functions to construct filters from poles and zeroes (fil_make),  
or classic Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev, inverse Chebyshev, or  
Cauer (elliptic) designs.  With fil_analyze, you can find the  
poles and zeroes of a FILT.  The format for FILT is:  
FILT is an array of double with the following meanings:  
  FILT(1) = np = number of poles  (integer >= 0)  
  FILT(2) = nz = number of zeroes (integer >= 0)  
  FILT(3) = reserved  
  FILT(4:4+nz) = coefficients for numerator  
            = [a0, a1, a2, a3, ..., anz]  
  FILT(5+nz:4+nz+np) = coefficents for denominator (if np>0)  
            = [b1, b2, b3, ..., bnp]  
The Laplace transform (s-transform) of the filter response is  
  L[FILT] = (a0 + a1*s + a2*s^2 + a3*s^3 + ...) /  
            ( 1 + b1*s + b2*s^2 + b3*s^3 + ...)  
Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i   line 8  

SEE ALSO: filter,   fil_bessel,   fil_butter,   fil_cheby1,   fil_cheby2,   fil_cauer,  
fil_response,   fil_make,   fil_analyze,   to_db,   to_phase  



    boundary= find_boundary(mesh)  
 or boundary= find_boundary(mesh, region, sense)  

returns an array of 4 pointers representing the boundary of the  
MESH, or of a particular REGION of the MESH, with a particular  
SENSE -- 0 for counterclockwise in the (r,z)-plane, 1 for  
clockwise.  The returned arrays are:  
   *boundary(1)   zone index list -- always 1-origin values  
   *boundary(2)   side list 0, 1, 2, or 3  
                  side 0 is from point zone to zone-1, side 1 is  
                  from zone-1 to zone-imax-1  
   *boundary(3)   z values of boundary points  
   *boundary(4)   r values of boundary points  
Builtin function, documented at i0/drat.i   line 1095  

SEE ALSO: form_mesh,   update_mesh  


    yp= fitlsq(y, x, xp)  
    yfit= interp(yp, xp, xfit)  

performs a least squares fit to the data points (X, Y).  The input  
XP are the abcissas of the piecewise linear function passing through  
(XP, YP) which is the best fit to the data (X,Y) in a least squares  
sense.  The XP must be strictly monotone, either increasing or  
decreasing.  As for interp, the piecewise linear fit is taken to be  
constant outside the limits of the XP.  
The result YP is linearly interpolated through any consecutive  
intervals of XP which contain no data points X, and linearly  
extrapolated beyond the extreme values of X (if any of the intervals  
of XP lie outside these extremes).  
A WEIGHT keyword of the same length as X and Y may be supplied in  
order to weight the various data points differently; a typical  
WEIGHT function is 1/sigma^2 where sigma are the standard deviations  
associated with the Y values.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fitlsq.i   line 10  

SEE ALSO: interp  


    yp= fitpol(y, x, xp)  

  -or- yp= fitpol(y, x, xp, keep=1)  
is an interpolation routine similar to interp, except that fitpol  
returns the polynomial of degree numberof(X)-1 which passes through  
the given points (X,Y), evaluated at the requested points XP.  
The X must either increase or decrease monotonically.  
If the KEEP keyword is present and non-zero, the external variable  
yperr will contain a list of error estimates for the returned values  
yp on exit.  
The algorithm is taken from Numerical Recipes (Press, et. al.,  
Cambridge University Press, 1988); it is called Neville's algorithm.  
The rational function interpolator fitrat is better for "typical"  
functions.  The Yorick implementaion requires numberof(X)*numberof(XP)  
temporary arrays, so the X and Y arrays should be reasonably small.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fitrat.i   line 10  

SEE ALSO: fitrat,   interp  


    yp= fitrat(y, x, xp)  

  -or- yp= fitrat(y, x, xp, keep=1)  
is an interpolation routine similar to interp, except that fitpol  
returns the diagonal rational function of degree numberof(X)-1 which  
passes through the given points (X,Y), evaluated at the requested  
points XP.  (The numerator and denominator polynomials have equal  
degree, or the denominator has one larger degree.)  
The X must either increase or decrease monotonically.  Also, this  
algorithm works by recursion, fitting successively to consecutive  
pairs of points, then consecutive triples, and so forth.  
If there is a pole in any of these fits to subsets, the algorithm  
fails even though the rational function for the final fit is non-  
singular.  In particular, if any of the Y values is zero, the  
algorithm fails, and you should be very wary of lists for which  
Y changes sign.  Note that if numberof(X) is even, the rational  
function is Y-translation invariant, while numberof(X) odd generally  
results in a non-translatable fit (because it decays to y=0).  
If the KEEP keyword is present and non-zero, the external variable  
yperr will contain a list of error estimates for the returned values  
yp on exit.  
The algorithm is taken from Numerical Recipes (Press, et. al.,  
Cambridge University Press, 1988); it is called the Bulirsch-Stoer  
algorithm.  The Yorick implementaion requires numberof(X)*numberof(XP)  
temporary arrays, so the X and Y arrays should be reasonably small.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fitrat.i   line 72  

SEE ALSO: fitpol,   interp  



SEE fitsHeader  



SEE fitsHeader  



SEE fitsHeader  







SEE fitsHeader  


    a= fitsRead(filename, header)  

  *** WARNING: Obsolete fits routine (see fits_read) ***   
  Returns the data of the  FITS file FILENAME.  If present, the optional  
  argument HEADER will be used to  store the contents of the FITS header  
  file (a FitsHeader structure).  
  Keyword  WHICH may  be  used  to indicate  which  sub-array should  be  
  returned.  For instance, if the array DATA with dimensions (235,453,7)  
  is stored in the FITS file "data.fits", the sub-array DATA(,,4) can be  
  read by:  
            SUB_DATA= fitsRead("data.fits", which= 4);  
  Keyword PACK, if non-nil and  non-zero, indicates that axis whith unit  
  dimension  should be  ignored.  The  default  is to  ignore only  zero  
  length axis.  
  Keyword RESCALE, if non-nil and  zero, indicates that read data values  
  should not  be rescaled according  to FITS keywords BSCALE  and BZERO.  
  The default is to rescale data values  if BSCALE is not 1. or BZERO is  
  not 0.  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_read,   fitsObsolete  



SEE fitsHeader  



SEE fitsHeader  


    fits_best_scale(bitpix, data)  

  -or- fits_best_scale(bitpix, cmin, cmax)  
Returns [BSCALE,BZERO]  where BSCALE and BZERO are  optimal values for  
rescaling to BITPIX  file type.  BITPIX must correspond  to an integer  
type (BITPIX = 8, 16 or 32).  The array DATA contains all the physical  
values  to save to  the file;  alternatively, CMIN  and CMAX  give the  
minimal and maximal values in physical data.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 517  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_write  



Return string information about FITS bits-per-pixel value.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2721  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_bitpix_of,   fits_bitpix_type,   fits_check_bitpix  



  -or- fits_bitpix_of(x, native=1)  
Return FITS bits-per-pixel value BITPIX for binary data X which can be  
an array or a data  type (structure definition).  If keyword NATIVE is  
true, the routine assumes that  binary data will be read/write to/from  
FITS file using native machine data representation.  The default is to  
conform to FITS standard and to  assume that XDR binary format will be  
used in FITS file.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2765  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_bitpix_type,   fits_check_bitpix  



  -or- fits_bitpix_type(bitpix, native=1)  
Returns Yorick data type given by FITS bits-per-pixel value BITPIX.  
If keyword NATIVE is true, return the native data type matching BITPIX.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2735  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_bitpix_of,   fits_bitpix_info,   fits_check_bitpix  



Test if FITS bits-per-pixel value BITPIX is valid.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2711  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_bitpix_of,   fits_bitpix_type,   fits_bitpix_info  



  -or- fits_check_file(filename, errmode)  
Returns 1/0  depending whether FILENAME is  a valid FITS  file or not.  
If ERRMODE is true (non-nil  and non-zero), unreadable file results in  
false result otherwise it is  a runtime error.  Note that the checking  
is very simple: it is sufficient that the first FITS card in the first  
2880 bytes has keyword "SIMPLE" with logical value 'T' (true).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 750  

SEE ALSO: fits  



Closes stream in FITS handle  FH.  The header information stored in FH  
remain unchanged  (e.g. you can keep  editing the header  in FH).  The  
returned  value is FH.   Note that  if you  destroy all  references to  
handle FH, the  associated file (if any) gets  automatically closed by  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 627  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_pad_hdu,   fits_open,   close  



struct fits_coordinate {  
  long axis, length;  
  string ctype;  
  double crpix, crval, cdelt, crota;  




Creates  a new  FITS  file FILENAME  and  returns a  FITS handle  with  
mandatory cards (i.e. SIMPLE, BITPIX, NAXIS, NAXISn) and some optional  
cards (i.e. EXTEND, BSCALE and BZERO) already initialized.  
Keyword  BITPIX can  be  used to  set  FITS "bits-per-pixel"  (default  
is BITPIX=8, i.e. byte data).  
Keyword DIMLIST  should be used to  specify the dimension  list of the  
array data that  is intended to be written in  primary HDU.  The value  
of DIMLIST is similar to the result returned by dimsof.  
Keyword EXTEND can  be used to indicate whether  the file may contains  
FITS extensions.  It is probably a good idea to always use EXTEND=1.  
Keyword TEMPLATE can be set with  an existing FITS handle to copy some  
FITS cards  of the template into  the new header.  The  FITS card that  
are  _never_  copied  are:  "SIMPLE", "XTENSION",  "BITPIX",  "NAXIS",  
"NAXIS#" (with  # an integer),  "BSCALE" and "BZERO"; the  other cards  
get copied.  See keywords BSCALE and BZERO if you specifically want to  
set these values.  
Keywords BSCALE and BZERO can  be used to specify physical value scale  
and offset.   See fits_write_array to figure out  how keywords BITPIX,  
BSCALE and BZERO are used to convert data values into file values.  
Keywords HISTORY  and COMMENT can be  set to add some  comments in the  
new handle.  The values of these keywords may be array of strings.  
Keywords ENCODING and OVERWRITE have the same meaning as in fits_open  
routine (to see).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 651  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_open,   fits_set,   fits_set_dims  



Return number of current Header Data Unit in FITS handle FH.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 938  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_read_header,   fits_rewind,   fits_next_hdu  



Returns current Universal Time date as a string conforming to FITS  
standard: "DD/MM/YY"  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1013  

SEE ALSO: fits,   rdline,   popen  


    fits_delete, fh, pattern;  

Delete all cards  matching PATTERN from current header  of FITS handle  
FH (see fits_match for the syntax of PATTERN).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3029  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_match  



Returns non-zero if FITS handle FH is at end of file.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 928  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_open,   fits_next_hdu  



Return path name  of file associated with FITS handle  FH (in fact the  
argument may also be any Yorick open stream).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2648  

SEE ALSO: fits  


    fits_get(fh, pattern, comment)  

Get  (array  of)  value(s)   for  FITS  cards  matching  PATTERN  (see  
fits_match) in current header of FITS handle FH.  If present, argument  
COMMENT is  an output symbol  where the corresponding comment  part of  
selected card(s)  will be stored.   In order to avoid  namespace clash  
due to Yorick's  scoping rules, COMMENT should be  declared as a local  
symbol in the calling function, e.g.:  
  local comment;  
  value = fits_get(fh, pattern, comment);  
If no  cards match PATTERN, the  value of keyword  DEFAULT is returned  
and COMMENT is set to the null string.  
If multiple  cards match PATTERN, they  must have the  same value type  
unless keyword PROMOTE is true, in which case the routine promotes all  
card values to a suitable "highest" type.  
Request fo commentary cards  (i.e. PATTERN is "HISTORY", "COMMENT", or  
"") may returns several cards.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2906  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_match,   fits_parse  



  -or- fits_get_bitpix(fh, fix)  
Get  BITPIX   value  from  current   HDU  in  FITS  handle   FH.   See  
fits_get_special for the meaning of FIX.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1020  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_check_bitpix,   fits_get_special,   fits_get_naxis,  




  -or- fits_get_bzero(fh)  
Get BSCALE and BZERO values  for FITS handle FH.  These parameters are  
used to convert file values into physical values according to:  
    physical_value = BZERO + BSCALE * file_value  
if the corresponding card is  missing, BSCALE and BZERO default to 1.0  
and 0.0 respectively.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3149  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get,   fits_read_array,   fits_write_array  


    fits_get_cards(fh, pattern);  

Return cards from  FITS handle FH which match  PATTERN (see fits_match  
for the syntax of PATTERN).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3017  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_match  



  -or- fits_get_data_size(fh, fix)  
Computes  the number  of bytes  in data  part of  current HDU  of FITS  
handle FH.  This value is computed  according to the header part of FH  
and may be different from the  number of bytes actually written in the  
data part of the current HDU.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1306  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_read_header  



  -or- fits_get_dims(fh, fix)  
Get all  NAXIS* values from current  HDU in FITS handle  FH and return  
vector  [NAXIS, NAXIS1,  NAXIS2, ...].   If the  value of  any  of the  
"NAXIS#" card is  zero, then there is no data in  the current unit and  
fits_get_dims returns [] (nil) in this case.  See fits_get_special for  
the meaning of FIX.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1048  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get_special,   fits_get_bitpix,   fits_get_naxis  



  -or- fits_get_pcount(fh)  
Get PCOUNT and  GCOUNT values for FITS handle FH.   PCOUNT shall be an  
integer  equal  to  the  number  of parameters  preceding  each  group  
(default value 0).  GCOUNT shall be  an integer equal to the number of  
random groups present (default value  1).  The total number of bits in  
the data  array (exclusive of  fill that is  needed after the  data to  
complete the last record) is given by the following expression:  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3167  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get,   fits_get_bitpix,   fits_read_array,   fits_write_array  



  -or- fits_get_comment(fh)  
Get COMMENT and  HISTORY values for FITS handle FH.   The result is an  
array of string(s) or nil if no such cards exists in the header of the  
current unit.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3190  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get,   fits_read_array,   fits_write_array  



  -or- fits_get_keywords(fh, ordered)  
Get list  of FITS keywords defined  in current HDU of  FITS handle HF.  
The returned value is an array of strings. If ORDERED is true (non-nil  
and non-zero),  the keywords get  sorted.  Note: the "END"  keyword is  
always missing in a (non-corrupted) FITS handle.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1182  

SEE ALSO: fits,   sort,   strtok  



  -or- fits_get_naxis(fh, fix)  
Get  NAXIS   value  from   current  HDU  in   FITS  handle   FH.   See  
fits_get_special for the meaning of FIX.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1035  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get_special,   fits_get_bitpix,   fits_get_dims  


    fits_get_special(fh, key, id, location, fix)  

Get  value of  a special  FITS card  given its  key  string, numerical  
identifier and absolute  LOCATION (1 for first FITS  card).  If FIX is  
true,  various further  verifications  are made  and,  if FITS  strict  
checking mode is  off, the header may be fixed  in case of unambiguous  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1097  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get_bitpix,   fits_get_naxis,   fits_get_dims,   fits_parse  



Get XTENSION value  from current HDU in FITS  handle FH.  The returned  
value is a  scalar string with the name of  the extension;  "IMAGE" is  
returned for the primary HDU.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1073  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get,   fits_parse  


    fits_goto_hdu(fh, hdu)  

Move FITS handle FH to Header  Data Unit number HDU (starting at 1 for  
the primary HDU) and parse the  header part of the new unit.  Contents  
of FH  is updated with  header part of  new HDU.  To allow  for linked  
calls, the returned value is FH.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 875  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_next_hdu,   fits_read_header,   fits_rewind  



Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3044  

SEE fits_ids  



  -or- fits_ids(cards)  
Convert  FITS  card(s) or  FITS  card  name(s)  into unique  numerical  
identifier.  CARD is a scalar string and CARDS (with an S) is an array  
of string(s) (including a  scalar).  Only the keyword part (characters  
1:8) of CARD(S) is relevant; cards shorter than 8 characters yield the  
same identifier as if they were padded (right filled) with spaces.  In  
other words, all the values  returned by the following expressions are  
  fits_id("SIMPLE = T / conforming FITS file");  
  fits_id("SIMPLE ");  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3044  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_key,   fits_rehash  


    fits_info, fh;  

  -or- fits_info, fh, hdu  
  -or- fits_info, filename;  
  -or- fits_info, filename, hdu;  
Prints header contents of current HDU in FITS handle FH or all HDU's  
in FITS file FILENAME.  If argument HDU is given, only this header unit  
get printed out (HDU may be an array).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 386  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_open  



(Re)initializes FITS private  data.  Normally you do not  have to call  
this  routine  because  this  routine  is  automatically  called  when  
"fits2.i" is  parsed by Yorick.   You may however need  to explicitely  
call  fits_init  if  you  suspect  that some  FITS  private  data  get  
corrupted or if you want to tune FITS strict/sloopy behaviour.  
If keyword SLOOPY  is true (non-nil and non-zero)  some discrepancy is  
allowed (for reading FITS file only); otherwise strict FITS compliance  
is applied.  If SLOOPY is true, lower case Latin letters have the same  
meaning  as their  upper  case counterparts,  most control  characters  
become identical to regular spaces.  
According to FITS standard, the only characters permitted for keywords  
are  upper  case  (capital)  Latin alphabetic,  numbers,  hyphen,  and  
underscore.  Leading and embedded blanks are forbidden.  If you cannot  
read a FITS file because it does not confrom to this rule, you can use  
keyword ALLOW (a string or an array of characters) to allow additional  
characters for FITS keywords.  For instance:  
  fits_init, allow="/."; // fix for invalid headers made by IRAF  
make characters '/'  and '.'  acceptable in FITS  keywords.  Note that  
you  must apply fits_rehash  (to see)  to _every_  FITS handle  in use  
whenever you change  the set of allowed characters  (because this will  
probably corrupt the values of numerical identifiers of FITS card) ...  
It is  therefore a good idea  to change the set  of allowed characters  
before using any FITS routines.  
Keyword  BLANK can  be  used to  add  more characters  that should  be  
considered as blanks (spaces)  when parsing FITS header/keywords.  The  
value  of BLANK  must  be a  string  or an  array  of characters,  for  
instance: BLANK="\t\r\v\n".  Note that this break strict compliance to  
FITS standard.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3260  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_rehash  



Returns true if array X is of integer type.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2617  

SEE ALSO: fits_is_scalar  



Returns true if array X is a scalar of integer type.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2624  

SEE ALSO: fits_is_real_scalar,   fits_is_scalar,   fits_is_string_scalar  



Returns true if array X if of real type (i.e. double or float).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2634  

SEE ALSO: fits_is_integer_scalar,   fits_is_scalar,   fits_is_string_scalar  



Returns true if X is a scalar.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2610  

SEE ALSO: fits_is_integer_scalar,   fits_is_real_scalar,   fits_is_string_scalar  



Returns true if array X is a scalar of string type.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2641  

SEE ALSO: fits_is_integer_scalar,   fits_is_real_scalar,   fits_is_scalar  



Convert  (array   of)  FITS   numerical  identifier(s)  ID   into  the  
corresponding string FITS keyword(s) without trailing spaces.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3108  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_id  


    fits_list, fh;  

  -or- fits_list(fh)  
Get the names of  the FITS extensions in FH.  FH can  be the name of a  
FITS file  or a FITS handle  FH (the input handle  is left unchanged).  
When called  as a  subroutine, the list  is printed to  terminal; when  
called as  a function, the returned  value is a string  array with the  
names of the FITS extensions in FH.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 944  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_read_header,   fits_next_hdu  


    fits_map(op, src)  

Map scalar function OP onto array argument SRC to mimics element-wise  
unary operation.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2595  

SEE ALSO: fits  


    fits_match(fh, pattern)  

Return array of int's which are non-zero where FITS card names in FITS  
handle  FH  match PATTERN.   PATTERN  must be  a  scalar  string or  a  
numerical identifier.  As a  special case, if  PATTERN is of  the form  
"KEYWORD#" (i.e.  last character of  PATTERN is a '#'), then any human  
readable integer will match the '#', e.g. "NAXIS#" will match "NAXIS3"  
and "NAXIS11" but not "NAXIS" nor "QNAXIS4.  
Global/extern  variable  _fits_match_id  is  set  with  the  numerical  
identifier of PATTERN (without last '#' if any).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2972  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get_cards,   fits_rehash  


    fits_move, a, i, j;  

Move I-th element of array A  in place of J-th element.  The operation  
is done in-place.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1212  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_move_card  


    fits_move_card(fh, from, to);  

Change location of FROM-th card to  index TO into FITS handle FH.  The  
operation is made in place.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1201  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_move  



  -or- fits_new_bintable(fh, comment)  
Starts a new  binary table FITS extension.  This  routine starts a new  
FITS extension with  name "BINTABLE" and pre-set FITS  cards needed to  
describe the  table with fake values  (the correct values  will be set  
when  fits_write_bintable  is called  to  actually  write the  table).  
After calling this  routine, the user can add new  FITS cards (but not  
Optional argument COMMENT is the comment string for the XTENSION card.  
The returned value is FH.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1984  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_write_bintable  


    fits_new_hdu(fh, xtension)  

  -or- fits_new_hdu(fh, xtension, comment)         
Starts a new extension in FITS  file open for writing.  FH is the FITS  
handle, XTENSION is  the name of the FITS extension  and COMMENT is an  
optional string comment.  After calling fits_new_hdu, there is no need  
to call:  
since this is already done by this routine.  However, beware that FITS  
standard requires that, if any  extension is present in the file, that  
the keyword "EXTEND" with logical  value 'T' (true) must appear in the  
primary header.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1374  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_pad_hdu,   fits_set,   fits_write_header,   fits_write_array  


    fits_new_image(fh, data)  

  -or- fits_new_image(fh, bitpix=..., dimlist=...)  
Starts a new image (array) FITS extension in handle FH and returns FH.  
This routine starts a new FITS extension with name "IMAGE" and pre-set  
FITS cards  needed to describe  the array data according  to keywords:  
BITPIX, DIMLIST, BZERO, and BSCALE.   If argument DATA is given, it is  
used  to guess  the  bits per  pixel  and the  dimension  list if  not  
specified by the keywords BITPIX and DIMSLIST respectively.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1955  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_write_array  



Move FITS handle FH to next Header Data Unit and parse the header part  
of the  new unit.  Contents of FH  is updated with header  part of new  
HDU.  To allow for linked calls, the returned value is FH.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 898  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_goto_hdu,   fits_read_header,   fits_rewind  



Returns a string in the form "1st", "2nd", "3rd" or "#th" where # is  
the human readable value of integer N.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1000  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_set_dims  



  -or- fits_open(filename, filemode)  
Opens  the FITS  file FILENAME  according to  FILEMODE.   The returned  
value is a FITS handle used  in most other FITS routines.  FILEMODE is  
one of:  
  "r" or 'r' - read mode,  the header of the primary  HDU get read and  
               is parsed.  
  "w" or 'w' - write   mode,  new  file  is  created  (unless  keyword  
               OVERWRITE is true, FILENAME must not already exists).  
  "a" or 'a' - append  mode, stream  get positionned  at last HDU, the  
               header of the last HDU get read and parsed.  
The default FILEMODE is "r" -- open an existing FITS file for reading.  
Keyword ENCODING can  be used to change the data  encoding of the FITS  
file which is  "xdr" for a regular FITS file  (XDR means eXternal Data  
Representation,  which is  natively  used by  all  IEEE compliant  big  
endian machine).  The value of the keyword is a string like:  
  "xdr", "sun"    - eXternal Data Representation (the default)  
  "native"        - native data representation (i.e. no conversion)  
  "i86", "pc"     - IEEE little endian machines  
see documentation for "__sun" for  a list of supported encodings. Note  
that  using  an encoding  different  from  IEEE  big endian  (or  XDR)  
violates FITS standard.  
Keyword OVERWRITE can be used to force overwriting of an existing file  
(otherwise it is an error to create a file that already exists).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 561  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_read_header,   fits_write_header,   fits_get,   fits_set,  
fits_read_array,   fits_write_array,   fits_next_hdu,   fits_new_hdu,  
fits_rewind,   __sun  




  -or- fits_pack_bintable(ptr(list))  
Packs binary  table PTR  into a  single array; PTR  must be  a pointer  
array (e.g. as the one returned by fits_read_bintable which see).  The  
argument can be PTR(LIST) to select or re-order some fields: LIST is a  
vector  of indices of  selected and  re-ordered fields.   The returned  
array  is NROWS-by-NCOLS  where NROWS  is the  first dimension  of all  
fields (which  must be the  same) and NCOLS  is the sum of  the second  
dimension of all fields.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2417  

SEE ALSO: fits_read_bintable  



Fix file size in handle FH to a multiple of FITS blocking factor (2880  
bytes) by writting null or space characters at the end of the file and  
update FH offsets accordingly.  FH must be open for writing.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1339  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_close,   fits_new_hdu  



  -or- fits_parse(card, id);  
Return value  of a single  FITS card (CARD  is a scalar  string).  The  
type of the scalar result is as follow:  
   - string for a string or a commentary FITS card  
   - char ('T' for true or 'F' for false) for a logical FITS card  
   - long for an integer FITS card  
   - double for a real FITS card  
   - complex for a complex FITS card  
In order to save a call to  fits_id, if ID is non-nil it is assumed to  
be the numerical identifier of the card, i.e. fits_id(CARD).  
The   comment  part   of   CARD  is   stored   into  external   symbol  
_fits_parse_comment which is a string (possibly nil) for a valued card  
and void (i.e. []) for a commentary card.  
If the  SAFE keyword is true,  the routine returns an  empty result in  
case of error.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2807  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get,   fits_id  



  -or- local fh; a = fits_read(filename, fh)  
Open  FITS file  FILENAME and  read data.   FH is  an  optional output  
symbol where  the FITS handle  will be stored  for future use  such as  
moving  to  a  FITS  extension  in  the  same  file  and  reading  its  
header/data.  (Note:  a FITS handle is  a Yorick list  that contains a  
file handle and all header information from the current HDU.)  
By  default, the data  get read  from the  first HDU  but this  can be  
changed with the HDU keyword (default HDU=1, i.e. primary HDU).  
Keyword ENCODING has the same meaning as in fits_open (which see).  
Keywords WHICH and RESCALE have the same meaning as in fits_read_array  
(which see).  These keywords are ignored if HDU to read is not primary  
HDU nor an "image" extension.  
Keywords   PACK   and   SELECT   have   the   same   meaning   as   in  
fits_read_bintable (which see).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 438  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_write,   fits_open,   fits_read_array,   fits_read_bintable  



Gets "image" (actually a Yorick array) from current HDU of FITS handle  
FH.  Note that the result may be [] (nil) if the current unit contains  
no data.  
Keyword  WHICH may  be  used  to indicate  which  sub-array should  be  
returned.  WHICH always  applies to the last dimension  of the "image"  
data  stored in current  HDU.  For  instance, if  the array  DATA with  
dimensions  (235,453,7)  is  stored  in  the  current  FITS  HDU,  the  
sub-array DATA(,,4) can be obtained by:  
    fits_read_array(FH, which=4);  
If keyword RESCALE is true,  returned values get rescaled according to  
FITS keywords BSCALE and BZERO.  If RESCALE=2 and one of BSCALE and/or  
BZERO exists in  the FITS header and  BITPIX was 8, 16, 32,  or -32, a  
single precision  array (float)  is returned.  If  RESCALE is  not set  
(nil), the  default is to  rescale data values  if BSCALE is not  1 or  
BZERO is not  0 (i.e. the default is RESCALE=1).  In  order to get raw  
data (i.e. as written in the file), use RESCALE=0.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1712  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_open  



Reads a binary table in current  HDU of FITS handle FH and returns the  
fields of  the table as  a pointer array  (i-th field of the  table is  
pointed  by  i-th  pointer  element).   Empty fields  and  fields  for  
unsupported data  types (bit array  and array descriptor) result  in a  
null pointer (&[]).  The geometry  of the arrays pointed by the result  
will be  NROWS-by-NCOLS(i) where  NROWS is the  number of rows  in the  
table and NCOLS(i) is the repeat  count of the i-th field in the table  
(see fits_write_bintable).  If NCOLS(i)  = 1, the i-th pointer element  
is the address of a NROWS vector, i.e. not a NROWS-by-1 array.  
Keyword SELECT  can be  used to retain  only some fields  (or re-order  
them) of the  table.  For instance, use SELECT=[2,5,3]  to return only  
2nd, 5th and 3rd fields (in  that order) of the table.  The fields can  
also be selected by their names, e.g. SELECT=["flux","distance"] (note  
that trailing spaces and case is not significant for the field names).  
If keyword  PACK is  true, fits_pack_bintable (which  see) is  used to  
pack the  columns of  the binary table  into a single  array (possibly  
after selection/re-ordering by SELECT).  
If keyword TRIM is true,  then trailing spaces get removed from string  
fields (this has no effect if RAW_STRING is true).  
If keyword RAW_STRING is true,  fields made of char's ('A' format) are  
returned as  arrays of char's.  The  default is to  convert 'A' format  
fields into 1-by-NROWS array of strings.  
If  keyword  RAW_LOGICAL is  true,  logical  fields  ('L' format)  are  
returned as  arrays of char's.  The  default is to  convert 'L' format  
fields  into array of  int's as  follows: 'T'  -> 1  (true), 'F'  -> 0  
(false), and any other character ->  -1 (bad).  The 'bad' value can be  
set by keyword BAD (default is -1).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2178  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_write_bintable,   fits_pack_bintable  



  -or- fits_read_bintable_as_hashtable(fh, h)  
Read  binary table  in current  HDU (see  fits_read_bintable)  of FITS  
handle FH  and make it into a  hash table.  If optional  argument H is  
given, it  must be  an existing  hash table to  be augmented  with the  
contents of the binary table.  The (augmented) hash table is returned.  
This function can only be used with the hash table extension.  
The  members of  the  hash table  get  named after  the  value of  the  
'TTYPEn' card  converted to lowercase  (where n is the  field number).  
For missing  'TTYPEn' cards,  the value of  keyword FORMAT is  used to  
define the member name  as swrite(format=FORMAT,n).  The default value  
for FORMAT is "_%d".  If  FORMAT is specified, it must contain exactly  
one directive to write an  integer and no other format directives.  If  
a card 'TUNITn' exists, its  value is stored into member with "_units"  
appended to the corresponding field name.  
Keywords SELECT, RAW_STRING, RAW_LOGICAL and BAD have the same meaning  
as in fits_read_bintable.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2500  

SEE ALSO: fits_read_bintable,   swrite,   h_new  



(Re)read  and parse  header of  current  HDU of  FITS handle  FH.  
Contents of FH is updated with  header part of new HDU.  To allow  
for linked calls,  the returned value is FH.   If the current HDU  
is empty (i.e. last HDU in the file), the header will be empty.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 774  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_open,   fits_read_array,   fits_next_hdu  



(Re)compute array of numerical identifier for FITS handle FH (operation  
is done in-place) and return FH.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 3136  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_id  



Move FITS handle FH to primary Header Data Unit and parse the header part  
of the unit.  FH is returned when called as a function.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 913  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_read_header,   fits_next_hdu  


    fits_set, fh, key, value;  

  -or- fits_set, fh, key, value, comment;  
Set (or adds) FITS card in header  of FITS handle FH.  KEY is the card  
name (FITS keyword)  and must be a scalar string,  VALUE is the scalar  
value of the card and COMMENT is an optional string comment.  
Commentary cards -- for which KEY  is one of "COMMENT, "HISTORY" or ""  
(blank) -- get appended to the  existing cards in the header of FH (if  
the VALUE of a commentary card is too long, it may occupy several FITS  
cards).   For any  other  kind of  cards,  the new  card replaces  the  
existing one, if any; or  get appended to the existing cards.  Special  
cards that must appear in a precise order ("SIMPLE", "BITPIX", "NAXIS"  
and "NAXIS#") must  be added in the correct order  (their value can be  
modified afterward).  The "END"  card is not  needed since it  will be  
automatically written when required.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1417  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_open  


    fits_set_dims(fh, dimlist)  

 Set NAXIS  and NAXIS1,  NAXIS2, ... values  into current HDU  of FITS  
 handle FH according to dimension list DIMLIST.  DIMLIST may be empty.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1925  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_get_dims  



  -or- fits_toupper(s)  
Converts a string or an array of strings S to lower/upper case letters.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2569  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_trim  



Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2569  

SEE fits_tolower  



Removes trailing  spaces (character 0x20) from scalar  string S (note:  
trailing spaces are not significant in FITS).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2583  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_tolower,   fits_toupper  


    fits_write, filename, data;  

  -or- fits_write(filename, data)  
Creates a new FITS file FILENAME  and write array DATA in primary HDU.  
When called  as a function,  the result is  a FITS handle that  can be  
used to append extensions to the file.  
FITS "bits-per-pixel"  can be specified by  keyword BITPIX; otherwise,  
BITPIX   is   automatically   guessed   from  the   data   type   (see  
and OVERWRITE have the same meaning as in fits_create (to see).  
If BITPIX is explicitely specified  and corresponds to an integer file  
type (8, 16 or 32) and neither BSCALE nor BZERO are specified, optimal  
BSCALE  and BZERO  values  will be  automatically  computed thanks  to  
fits_best_scale (which see).  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 475  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_best_scale,   fits_bitpix_of,   fits_create,  
fits_write_header,   fits_write_array  



    fits_write_array, fh, data;  

   Write  array DATA  into  curent HDU  of  FITS handle  FH.   DATA is  a  
   so-called "image"  in FITS jargon but  it can be a  numerical array of  
   any-dimension.   FITS cards BITPIX,  BSCALE and  BZERO are  taken into  
   account to convert data values into file values.  The file values are:  
       (DATA  - BZERO)/BSCALE  
   with BZERO=0 and  BSCALE=1 by default (i.e. if not found  in FH) or if  
   keyword RESCALE  is explicitely set  to zero.  The values  are further  
   subject to rounding  to the nearest integer and  clipping for positive  
   BITPIX.  If  keyword RESCALE is  explicitely set to false  (zero), the  
   file values get written without BSCALE/BZERO scale conversion.  
   The N dimensions of DATA must  match the values of the NAXIS1, NAXIS2,  
   ..., NAXISn  cards of  the FITS  file (it is  assumed that  the header  
   information  stored in  FH  are synchronized  to  the header  actually  
   written) extra dimensions in the  FITS file are considered as possible  
   data slices.  By  default, the first data slice  get written.  Keyword  
   WHICH may be used to write a given slice of data.  The value WHICH may  
   be less or equal zero to choose  a slice with respect to the last one.  
   The following  example creates a FITS file  with a 100-by-45-by-4-by-7  
   "image" data made of random  values computed and written one 100-by-45  
   slice at a time:  
     fh = fits_create("newfile.fits", bitpix=16, dimlist=[4,100,45,4,7],  
                      bscale=1e-4, bzero=0.0);  
     fits_write_header, fh;  
     nslices = 4*7; // product of last FITS dimensions  
     for (i=1 ; i<=nslices ; ++i)  
       fits_write_array, fh, random(100, 45), which=i;  
     fits_close, fh;  
   Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1789  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_write,   fits_write_header  


    fits_write_bintable(fh, ptr)  

Writes contents  of pointer PTR in  a binary table in  FITS handle FH.  
Arrays pointed  by PTR  become the  fields of the  table (in  the same  
order as  in PTR) and must  all have 1  or 2 dimensions with  the same  
first  dimension  (i.e. the  number  of  rows  in the  table),  second  
dimensions can have any values and may all be different: they count as  
the number of 'columns' of the field.  In other words:  
  *PTR(i) = i-th  field  in the table,  is an  NROWS-by-NCOLS(i) array  
            where  NROWS  is the  number  of  rows  in the  table  and  
            NCOLS(i) is  the repeat  count of the  i-th field;  it can  
            also be simply a NROWS element vector if NCOLS(i) = 1.  
In the current  version of the routine, only  arrays of numbers (char,  
short, int,  long, float,  double or complex)  and vectors  of strings  
(you  can  use several  vectors  to  circumvent  this limitation)  are  
supported.  Before writing  the data part of a  binary table, you must  
creates proper header:  
   fits_new_bintable, fh;        // starts a new binary table  
   fits_set, fh, "...", ...;     // (optional) set more info. in header  
   fits_set, ...;  
   fits_write_bintable, fh, ptr; // write binary table  
fits_write_bintable automatically  guess the  format of the  fields in  
the binary table and accordingly set FITS cards "TFORM#" (with # equal  
to the field number) in the header of the binary table.  
If keyword LOGICAL is true (non nil and non-zero) then arrays of int's  
in  PTR  are considered  as  logical arrays  and  saved  as arrays  of  
characters: 'F' for false, 'T' for true or '\0' for bad/invalid value.  
Following Yorick's convention, a "false"  value is integer zero in the  
arrays of  int's and  a "true" is  any non-zero integer.   However, if  
LOGICAL has the  special value 2, then strictly  positive integers are  
treated as "true" values and strictly negative integers are treated as  
invlaid  values.  Note  that this  only  affect arrays  of int's  (not  
long's  nor short's nor  char's).  The  default is  to save  arrays of  
int's as array of 32 bits integers.  
The returned value is FH.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 2007  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_new_bintable,   fits_read_bintable  



Write  header  information of  FITS  handle  FH  into current  HDU  of  
associated file.   It is possible to  re-write header as  long as this  
would not overwrite existing written data if any (i.e. the new header,  
rounded up  to a multiple of 2880  bytes, must not be  longer than the  
old one or there must be no data written.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/fits.i   line 1235  

SEE ALSO: fits,   fits_open,   fits_write,   fits_write_array  



returns the largest integer not greater than x (no-op on integers).  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 715  

SEE ALSO: ceil  



frame advance the current graphics window.  The current picture  
remains displayed in the associated X window until the next element  
is actually plotted.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i   line 310  

SEE ALSO: window,   hcp,   animate,   plg  


    form_mesh(zsym, khold, lhold)  

returns an opaque "mesh" object, which will hold rt, zt, ireg,  
and a boundary edge list.  This opaque mesh object is required  
as an input to the integ_flat and integ_linear routines.  
ZSYM is 2 for spherical symmetry, 1 for z=0 reflection symmetry,  
     or 0 for no symmetry  
KHOLD and LHOLD are the 1-origin indices of "hold" lines in the  
     mesh, or 0 if none.  This information is used only during the  
     pcen_source operation before integ_linear is called.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/drat.i   line 1071  

SEE ALSO: update_mesh,   integ_flat,   integ_linear  


    best= form_rays( [x, y, z, theta, phi] )  
 or dirt= form_rays( [x, y, theta] )  
 or internal= form_rays( [cos, sin, y, z, x, r] )  

forms 5-by-nrays, 3-by-nrays, or 6-by-nrays ray representation  
given individual lists of array coordinates.  The [...]  
operator builds an nrays-by-5, nrays-by-3, or nrays-by-6  
array, which form_rays transposes.  The "nrays" may represent  
zero or more actual dimensions.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/rays.i   line 27  

SEE ALSO: best_rays,   dirt_rays,   internal_rays,   picture_rays