all functions - n



Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 834  

SEE allof  



If OBJECT is a function or a structure definition, returns the  
name of the func or struct as it was defined (not necessarily  
the name of the variable passed to the nameof function).  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 455  

SEE ALSO: typeof  


    nbow, map  
 or nbow, file  
 or nbow, rt, zt  
 or nbow, rt, zt, ireg  

prints information about topological oddities in a mesh.  
MAP is a bowtie map as returned by the bowtie function.  
FILE is a binary file containing rt, zt, and ireg arrays.  
RT, ZT and IREG are 2-D arrays defining a quadrilateral mesh.  
The information printed includes the zone index (corner with  
the largest indices) of zones which are concave (boomerangs)  
or bowtied, and of zones with negative area.  You can set  
the global variable nbow_negative to 1 to reverse the default  
sense of positive area.  By default, only the first 10 zones  
in each category are printed; use the all=1 keyword argument  
to print a complete (and maybe very long) list.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/bowtie.i   line 77  

SEE ALSO: bowtie  


    nc_addrec, f, time  

  -or- nc_addrec, f  
adds a new record to the netCDF file F at time TIME.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 501  

SEE ALSO: nc_create,   nc_vardef,   nc_enddef  


    nc_attrdef, ncf, attr_name, var_name, value  

sets the value of the netCDF attribute ATTR_NAME associated  
with variable VAR_NAME to VALUE (note that the data type of VALUE  
becomes the data type of the attribute).  
The NCF is the structure returned by nc_create; nc_attrdef  
must be called prior to nc_enddef, which actually writes the  
attribute data to the file.  
If VAR_NAME is omitted, ATTR_NAME refers to the whole file.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 395  

SEE ALSO: nc_open,   nc_dimsof,   nc_create,   nc_enddef,   nc_attribute  


    value= nc_attribute(attr_name, var_name)  

gets the value of the netCDF attribute ATTR_NAME associated  
with variable VAR_NAME, or nil if none.  Uses the external  
variable nc_file set by nc_open.  
If VAR_NAME is omitted, ATTR_NAME refers to the whole file,  
and is retrieved (if present) from the nc_file.attrs variable.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 514  

SEE ALSO: nc_open,   nc_attrdef,   nc_dimsof,   nc_create,   nc_enddef  


    ncf= nc_create(filename)  

creates a netCDF file FILENAME.  
After this call, use nc_vardef to declare the netCDF variables.  
Then use nc_enddef to write the netCDF self-descriptive  
information.  Only after this are you free to actually write data.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 238  

SEE ALSO: nc_open,   nc_vardef,   nc_attrdef,   nc_enddef,   nc_addrec,   nc_attribute,  



    nc_dimdef, ncf, dim_name, size  

  -or- nc_dimdef, ncf, dim_name, "unlimited"  
define a named dimension.  The SIZE parameter is the length of  
the dimension, or the string "unlimited" for the unlimited  
dimension.  (The numerical value 0 is the same as "unlimited".)  
You can also define named dimensions implicitly using nc_vardef.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 368  

SEE ALSO: nc_vardef  


    def_string= nc_dimsof(var_name)  

returns the dimension list of a netCDF variable VAR_NAME in symbolic  
form, i.e.- using the netCDF dimension names.  This requires the  
nc_file external variable set by nc_open.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 539  

SEE ALSO: nc_open,   nc_dimsof,   nc_create,   nc_enddef  


    f= nc_enddef(ncf)  

creates netCDF file NCF (returned by nc_create), and writes the self-  
descriptive information.  Returns the ordinary Yorick file object  
corresponding to the new file.  You are then free to write variables,  
or use the save or nc_addrec functions.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 424  

SEE ALSO: nc_create,   nc_addrec,   nc_open,   nc_attrdef,   nc_dimsof  


    f= nc_open(filename, mode)  

opens a netCDF file FILENAME for reading or update as specified  
by MODE, which defaults to "rb".  Attributes and dimension names  
can be found in the three external variables nc_dims (an array of  
type NC_dim), nc_attrs (an array of type NC_attr), and nc_vars  
(an array of type NC_var) after this call.  
MODE should be either "rb" or "r+b"; nothing else makes sense.  
If FILENAME is an array of strings, exactly those files will be  
opened as a family (if possible).  Note that nc_open("myfile00")  
potentially opens myfile01, myfile02, and so on, as for openb,  
but that nc_open(["myfile00"]) opens myfile00 only.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 36  

SEE ALSO: nc_create,   nc_enddef,   nc_attribute,   nc_dimsof  


    nc_vardef, ncf, name, type, dims, record=0/1  

  -or- nc_vardef, ncf, name, type, record=0/1  
  -or- nc_vardef, ncf, name, template=template, record=0/1  
define a variable in the NCF (returned by nc_create) with name  
NAME, type TYPE (as returned by typeof or structof), and dimensions  
DIMS (as returned by dimsof).  The template= keyword may be used  
instead of type and dims; the type and dims will be those of the  
TEMPLATE.  If dims is not specified, a scalar is assumed.  If the  
record= keyword is present and non-zero, the variable is a record  
variable; otherwise it is a non-record variable.  
You can use the dimnames= keyword to write specific dimension  
names into the netCDF file.  These are not useful to Yorick, but  
other codes may require them.  If two variables share a dimension  
name, the corresponding dimension must have the same length.  For  
  nc_vardef, ncf, "theta", double, [1,nlat], dimnames=["latitude"]  
  nc_vardef, ncf, "phi", double, [1,nlong], dimnames=["longitude"]  
  nc_vardef, ncf, "elevation", double,  
A dimension name of "" lets Yorick invent a fake dimension name,  
as it does by default.  If dimnames= is present and the lengths  
of the dimensions have previously been defined, then the DIMS  
parameter is unnecessary, as in the "elevation" array in the example.  
You can use the nc_dimdef function to define a named dimension size  
before you define any variables with that dimension.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/netcdf.i   line 252  

SEE ALSO: nc_create,   nc_attrdef,   nc_enddef,   nc_addrec,   nc_dimdef  



     Interpreted function, defined at i/demo1.i   line 93  




Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 834  

SEE allof  


    nraphson(f_and_dfdx, x0, x1)  
 or nraphson(f_and_dfdx, x0, x1, xerr)  

Find a root of a function by Newton-Raphson iteration, backed  
up by bisection if the convergence seems poor.  The subroutine  
F_AND_DFDX must be defined as:  
     func F_AND_DFDX (x, &f, &dfdx)  
returning both the function value f(x) and derivative dfdx(x).  
If F_AND_DFDX always returns dfdx==0, nraphson uses bisection.  
The value of x is constrained to lie within the interval from  
X0 to X1; the function values at these two points must have  
opposite sign.  The iteration stops when the root is known to  
within XERR, or to machine precision if XERR is nil or zero.  
f_inverse is a "vectorized" version of nraphson.  
Based on rtsafe from Press, et. al. Numerical Recipes, Ch 9.  
Interpreted function, defined at i/roots.i   line 21  

SEE ALSO: mnbrent,   mxbrent,   f_inverse  



returns the number of elements if object is an array, or 0 if not.  
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i   line 439  

SEE ALSO: sizeof,   dimsof,   typeof,   structof