functions in rkutta.i - b
y= bs_integrate(derivative, y1, x, epsilon, dx1) Bulirsch-Stoer integrator, otherwise identical to rk_integrate routine. All of the options for rk_integrate work here as well. Based on odeint from Numerical Recipes (Press, If the function you are trying to integrate is not very smooth, or your X values are closely spaced, rk_integrate will probably work better than bs_integrate. Interpreted function, defined at i/rkutta.i line 252SEE ALSO: bstoer, rk_integrate, rk_maxits, rk_minstep, rk_maxstep, rk_ngood,
rk_nbad, rkdumb, rk4
bsstep Interpreted function, defined at i/rkutta.i line 293
y1= bstoer(derivative, y0,x0, x1,epsilon, dx0) Bulirsch-Stoer integrator, otherwise identical to rkutta routine. All of the options for rkutta (rk_nstore, etc.) work here as well. If the function you are trying to integrate is not very smooth, rkutta will probably work better than bstoer. Interpreted function, defined at i/rkutta.i line 274SEE ALSO: rkutta, rk_nstore, rk_maxits, rk_minstep, rk_maxstep, rk_ngood,