all functions - c
c_adjust, c, mesh or c_adjust, c, mesh, 1 or c= c_adjust(c, mesh, how) adjust the cell number array C returned by track_reduce to allow for a different layout of cell arrays than the one assumed by the tracking routines. Two HOW values are currently supported: 0 (or nil) if the cell arrays are the same shape as the nodal arrays, but the non-existent cell is at the end of each row rather than at the beginning. And 1 if the cell arrays are smaller by one along each dimension than the nodal arrays. If you call c_adjust as a subroutine, the input C array is modified; if you call it as a function, the input C is unchanged and the new values returned. Interpreted function, defined at i0/hex.i line 330SEE ALSO: track_reduce, hex5_track, cs_adjust
cage3 or cage3, onoff Toggle the cage display. If ONOFF is non-nil and non-zero, turn on the cage. If ONOFF is zero, turn off the cage. The cage draws a rectangular box "behind" the 3D object and attempts to put ticks and labels around the edge of the box. Interpreted function, defined at i/pl3d.i line 982SEE ALSO: limit3, plwf, plwf
call, subroutine(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 arg6, arg7, arg8); allows a SUBROUTINE to be called with a very long argument list as an alternative to: subroutine, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8; Note that the statement subroutine(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8); will print the return value of subroutine, even if it is nil. If invoked as a function, call simply returns its argument. Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i line 3709
Catch errors of the specified category. Category may be -1 to
catch all errors, or a bitwise or of the following bits:
0x01 math errors (SIGFPE, math library)
0x02 I/O errors
0x04 keyboard interrupts (e.g.- control C interrupt)
0x08 other compiled errors (YError)
0x10 interpreted errors (error)
Use catch by placing it in a function before the section of code
in which you are trying to catch errors. When catch is called,
it always returns 0, but it records the virtual machine program
counter where it was called, and longjumps there if an error is
detected. The most recent matching call to catch will catch the
error. Returning from the function in which catch was called
pops that call off the list of catches the interpreter checks.
To use catch, place the call near the top of a function:
if (catch(category)) {
If an error with the specified category occurs in the "protected"
code, the program jumps back to the point of the catch and acts
as if the catch function had returned 1 (remember that when catch
is actually called it always returns 0).
In order to lessen the chances of infinite loops, the catch is
popped off the active list if it is actually used, so that a
second error will *not* be caught. Often, this is only desirable
for the error handling code itself -- if you want to re-execute
the "protected" code, do this, and take care of the possibility
of infinite loops in your interpreted code:
while (catch(category)) {
After an error has been caught, the associated error message
(what would have been printed had it not been caught) is left
in the variable catch_message.
If the code protected by the catch contains include or require
calls, or function references which force autoloads, and the
fault occurs while yorick is interpreting an included file,
catch will itself fault, and the error code will not execute.
If a fault occurs after an include has pushed a file onto
the include stack for delayed parsing and you catch that fault,
the include stack will not unwind to its condition at the time
catch was called. That is, catch is incapable of protecting
you completely during operations involving nested levels of
include files.
Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 3452
cauer(np, ripple, atten, w) or cauer(np, ripple, atten, w, wc, db) return frequency response (amplitude) for Cauer filter; the parameters are the same as for fil_cauer. Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i line 631SEE ALSO: fil_cauer
cd, directory_name or cd(directory_name) change current working directory to DIRECTORY_NAME, returning the expanded path name (i.e.- with leading environment variables, ., .., or ~ replaced by the actual pathname). If called as a function, returns nil to indicate failure, otherwise failure causes a Yorick error. Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 2453SEE ALSO: lsdir, mkdir, rmdir, get_cwd, get_home, get_env, get_argv
ceil(x) returns the smallest integer not less than x (no-op on integers). Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 709SEE ALSO: floor
cheby1(np, ripple, w) or cheby1(np, ripple, w, wc, db) return frequency response (amplitude) for Chebyshev filter; the parameters are the same as for fil_cheby1. Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i line 580SEE ALSO: fil_cheby1
cheby2(np, atten, w) or cheby2(np, atten, w, wc, db) return frequency response (amplitude) for inverse Chebyshev filter; the parameters are the same as for fil_cheby2. Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i line 605SEE ALSO: fil_cheby2
cheby_deriv(fit) returns Chebyshev fit to the derivative of the function of the input Chebyshev FIT. Interpreted function, defined at i/cheby.i line 76SEE ALSO: cheby_fit, cheby_integ
cheby_eval(fit, x) evaluates the Chebyshev fit (from cheby_fit) at points X. the return values have the same dimensions as X. Interpreted function, defined at i/cheby.i line 36SEE ALSO: cheby_fit
fit = cheby_fit(f, interval, n) or fit = cheby_fit(f, x, n) returns the Chebyshev fit (for use in cheby_eval) of degree N to the function F on the INTERVAL (a 2 element array [a,b]). In the second form, F and X are arrays; the function to be fit is the piecewise linear function of xp interp(f,x,xp), and the interval of the fit is [min(x),max(x)]. The return value is the array [a,b, c0,c1,c2,...cN] where [a,b] is the interval over which the fit applies, and the ci are the Chebyshev coefficients. It may be useful to use a relatively large value of N in the call to cheby_fit, then to truncate the resulting fit to fit(1:3+m) before calling cheby_eval. Interpreted function, defined at i/cheby.i line 7SEE ALSO: cheby_eval, cheby_integ, cheby_deriv
cheby_integ(fit) or cheby_integ(fit, x0) returns Chebyshev fit to the integral of the function of the input Chebyshev FIT. If X0 is given, the returned integral will be zero at X0 (which should be inside the fit interval fit(1:2)), otherwise the integral will be zero at x=fit(1). Interpreted function, defined at i/cheby.i line 54SEE ALSO: cheby_fit, cheby_deriv
clear3 Clear the current 3D display list. Interpreted function, defined at i/pl3d.i line 714
close, f closes the I/O stream F (returned earlier by the open function). If F is a simple variable reference (as opposed to an expression), the close function will set F to nil. If F is the only reference to the I/O stream, then "close, f" is equivalent to "f= []". Otherwise, "close, f" will close the file (so that subsequent I/O operations will fail) and print a warning message about the outstanding ("stale") references. Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 1973SEE ALSO: open, read, write, rdline, bookmark, backup, save, restore, rename,
color_bar or color_bar, levs, colors Draw a color bar below the current coordinate system. If LEVS is not specified uses plfc_levs (set by previous call to plfc). If COLORS is specified, it should have one more value than LEVS, otherwise equally spaced colors are chosen, or plfc_colors if plfc_levs was used. With the vert=1 keyword the color bar appears to the left of the current coordinate system (vert=0 is default). By default, color_bar will attempt to label some of the color interfaces. With the labs= keyword, you can force the labelling algorithm as follows: labs=0 supresses all labels, labs=n forces a label at every nth interface, labs=[i,n] forces a label at every nth interface starting from interface i (0<=i<=numberof(LEVS)). You can use the adjust= keyword to move the bar closer to (adjust<0) or further from (adjust>0) the viewport, and the height= keyword to set the height of any labels (default 14 points). Interpreted function, defined at i0/graph.i line 1786SEE ALSO: plfc
conj(z) returns the complex conjugate of its argument. Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 737
nc= contour(yc,xc, level, z, y,x) or nc= contour(yc,xc, level, z, y,x,ireg) returns the points on the contour curve that would have been plotted by plc. Z, Y, X, and IREG are as for plc, and the triangle= and region= keywords are accepted and have the same meaning as for plc. Unlike plc, the triangle array is an output as well as an input to contour; if supplied it may be modified to reflect any triangulations which were performed by contour. LEVEL is a scalar z value to return the points at that contour level. All such points lie on edges of the mesh. If a contour curve closes, the final point is the same as the initial point (i.e.- that point is included twice in the returned list). LEVEL is a pair of z values [z0,z1] to return the points of a set of polygons which outline the regions between the two contour levels. These will include points on the mesh boundary which lie between the levels, in addition to the edge points for both levels. The polygons are closed, simply connected, and will not contain more than about 4000 points (larger polygons are split into pieces with a few points repeated where the pieces join). YC and XC are the output points on the curve(s), or nil if there are no points. On input, they must be simple variable references, not expressions. The return value NC is a list of the lengths of the polygons/polylines returned in (XC,YC), or nil if there are none. numberof(XC)==numberof(YC)==sum(NC). For the level pair case, YC, XC, and NC are ready to be used as inputs to plfp. KEYWORDS: triangle, region Builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i line 505SEE ALSO: plc, plfp
conv3_rays(rays) convert [p,q] representation to or from best_rays representation. If the first dimension of RAYS is 3, returns 5-by-raydims array of best_rays; if first dimension of RAYS is 5, returns 3-by-raydims- by-2 [p,q] for use with hex5_track. Interpreted function, defined at i0/hex.i line 123SEE ALSO: hex5_track, pic3_rays, best_rays
convol(a,b) returns convolution of vector a with vector b, a vector of length na+nb-1 where na=numberof(a), nb=numberof(b). In detail, for i=[1 to na+nb-1] result(i) = sum j=[max(1,1+i-nb) to min(na,i)] (a(j)*b(1+i-j)) The n0= and n1= keywords can be used to control the section of the full array that is actually returned, 1<=n0SEE ALSO: fft_good, fftline 6
convol_check Interpreted function, defined at i/convol.i line 64
copyb, src, dst or copyb, openb(src_name), createb(dst_name) Copy binary file SRC to binary file DST. Check for "obsolete/" subdirectory of Yorick home directory for extensions of the openb function to old file formats. Use the size= keyword to specify a non-default (4 Mbyte) size for the members of the output file family. If you habitually include basfix.i, you may want to use the basfix_openb function to open the src file. Interpreted function, defined at i/copyb.i line 10SEE ALSO: openb, createb, open102, close102
cos Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 565SEE sin
cosh Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 604SEE sinh
cray_primitives, file sets FILE primitive data types to be native to Cray 1, XMP, and YMP. Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i line 2905
f= create(filename) is a synonym for f= open(filename, "w") Creates a new text file FILENAME, destroying any existing file of that name. Use the write function to write into the file F. Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i line 1964SEE ALSO: write, close, open
file= createb(filename) or file= createb(filename, primitives) creates FILENAME as a PDB file in "w+b" mode, destroying any existing file by that name. If the PRIMITIVES argument is supplied, it must be the name of a procedure that sets the primitive data types for the file. The default is to create a file with the native primitive types of the machine on which Yorick is running. The following PRIMITIVES functions are predefined: sun_primitives -- appropriate for Sun, HP, IBM, and most other workstations sun3_primitives -- appropriate for old Sun-2 or Sun-3 dec_primitives -- appropriate for DEC (MIPS) workstations, Windows alpha_primitives -- appropriate for DEC alpha workstations sgi64_primitives -- appropriate for 64 bit SGI workstations cray_primitives -- appropriate for Cray 1, XMP, and YMP mac_primitives -- appropriate for MacIntosh macl_primitives -- appropriate for MacIntosh, 12-byte double i86_primitives -- appropriate for Linux i86 machines pc_primitives -- appropriate for IBM PC vax_primitives -- appropriate for VAXen only (H doubles) vaxg_primitives -- appropriate for VAXen only (G doubles) xdr_primitives -- appropriate for XDR files Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i line 2827SEE ALSO: openb, updateb, cd, save, add_record, set_filesize, set_blocksize,
close102, close102_default, at_pdb_open, at_pdb_close
nlist= cs_adjust(nlist, c, s, ireg) adjust NLIST, C, S returned from track_reduce to remove transits of cells for which IREG == 0. Can be called before or after c_adjust, depending on layout of IREG. Interpreted function, defined at i0/hex.i line 372SEE ALSO: c_adjust
csch Interpreted function, defined at i0/std.i line 614SEE sech
n= current_window() returns the number of the current graphics window, or -1 if none. Builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i line 106