all functions - b
backup Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 2237SEE bookmark
baget(file, varname) read and return the (first) variable named VARNAME in FILE. The obasis function opens files read-only. If you want to update a PFB Basis-generated PDB file without altering its "@decorated" variable names, open the file with updateb, then use baset to modify variables. Since you can only change the entire variable with baset, you may want to read it first with baget. Interpreted function, defined at i/basfix.i line 97SEE ALSO: obasis, baset
baset, file, varname, value set the (first) variable named VARNAME in FILE to VALUE. The obasis function opens files read-only. If you want to update a PFB Basis-generated PDB file without altering its "@decorated" variable names, open the file with updateb, then use baset to modify variables. Since you can only change the entire variable with baset, you may want to read it first with baget. Interpreted function, defined at i/basfix.i line 74SEE ALSO: obasis, baget
basfix_xopenb Interpreted function, defined at i/basfix.i line 120
batch, 1 batch, 0 batch() turns on, turns off, or tests for batch mode, respectively. If yorick is started with the command line: yorick -batch batch_include.i ... then batch mode is turned on, the usual custom.i startup file is skipped, and the file batch_include.i is parsed and executed. The -batch and batch_include.i command line arguments are removed from the list returned by get_argv(). These must be the first two arguments on the command line. In batch mode, any error will terminate Yorick (as by the quit function) rather than entering debug mode. Also, any attempt to read from the keyboard is an error. Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 3514SEE ALSO: process_argv, get_argv, set_idler
bess_check Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 423
bessi(n, x) returns Bessel function In of order N at points X. N must be scalar. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 288SEE ALSO: bessk, bessj, bessy, bessi0, bessi1
bessi0(x) returns Bessel function I0 at points X. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 236SEE ALSO: bessi
bessi1(x) returns Bessel function I1 at points X. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 261SEE ALSO: bessi
bessj(n, x) returns Bessel function Jn of order N at points X. N must be scalar. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 74SEE ALSO: bessy, bessi, bessk, bessj0, bessj1
bessj0(x) returns Bessel function J0 at points X. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 12SEE ALSO: bessj
bessj1(x) returns Bessel function J1 at points X. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 43SEE ALSO: bessj
bessk(n, x) returns Bessel function Kn of order N at points X. N must be scalar. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 391SEE ALSO: bessi, bessj, bessy, bessi0, bessi1
bessk0(x) returns Bessel function K0 at points X. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 341SEE ALSO: bessk
bessk1(x) returns Bessel function K1 at points X. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 366SEE ALSO: bessk
bessy(n, x) returns Bessel function Yn of order N at points X. N must be scalar. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 210SEE ALSO: bessj, bessi, bessk, bessy0, bessy1
bessy0(x) returns Bessel function Y0 at points X. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 147SEE ALSO: bessy
bessy1(x) returns Bessel function Y1 at points X. Interpreted function, defined at i/bessel.i line 178SEE ALSO: bessy
best_rays(rays) returns 5-element (x,y,z,theta,phi) representation of RAYS. The first dimension of RAYS may be length 3, 5, or 6 to represent the ray(s) in TDG/DIRT coordinates (x,y,theta), "best" coordinates (x,y,z,theta,phi), or internal coordinates (cos,sin,y,z,x,r), respectively. The first dimension of the result always has length 5. The "best" coordinate system is the easiest to visualize: (x,y,z) represents any point on the ray, while (theta,phi) represents the ray direction in standard spherical coordinates relative to the +z-axis. Namely, theta is the angle from the +z-direction to the ray direction (between 0 and pi), and phi is the counterclockwise angle from the +x-axis to the projection of the ray direction into the xy-plane, assuming xyz is a right-handed coordinate system. As a specification of a ray, this system is doubly redundant because the point (x,y,z) could be any point on the ray, and the underlying mesh through which the ray propagates is cylindrically symmetric about the z-axis. However, the slimits parameter -- used to specify the points along a ray where the transport integration starts and stops -- is measured from the point (x,y,z) specified as a part of the (x,y,z,theta,phi) ray coordinate. Thus, any change in the point (x,y,z) on a ray must be accompanied by a corresponding change in the slimits for that ray. Interpreted function, defined at i/rays.i line 40SEE ALSO: form_rays, dirt_rays, internal_rays, get_s0, picture_rays
beta(z,w) returns the beta function gamma(z)gamma(w)/gamma(z+w) Interpreted function, defined at i/gamma.i line 74SEE ALSO: ln_gamma, bico
betai(a, b, x) return I_x(a,x) = int[0 to x]{ du * u^(a-1)*(1-u)^(b-1) } / beta(a,b) the incomplete beta function betai(a,b,x) = 1 - betai(b,a,1-x) Note that Student's t-distribution is A(t|nu) = 1 - betai(0.5*nu,0.5, nu/(nu+t^2)) The F-distribution is Q(F|nu1,nu2) = betai(0.5*nu2,0.5*nu1, nu2/(nu2+F*nu1)) Interpreted function, defined at i/gammp.i line 135SEE ALSO: gammp, gammq, ln_gamma
nlist = bi_dir(tracker, mesh, rays, slimits, c, s) Perform hexX_track and track_reduce on a ray that enters the problem at the given point on the ray. This requires tracking the ray in both directions from the given point, hence this function name indicating bi-directional tracking. This is unnecessary when the entry point search was over the problem boundary, or when the SLIMITS for the rays always lie in one direction relative to the starting point. TRACKER is the function used to track the rays, normally one of hex5_track, hex_24f_track, or hex24b_track. MESH is the problem mesh returned by hex_mesh or hydra_mesh; it should be generated using the entry option that finds the cell containing the given point on the ray. RAYS is the 3-by-nrays-by-2 array of rays, as for hex5_track SLIMITS is nil or the ray tracking limits as for track_reduce C, S, together with NLIST are the output arrays, as for track_reduce Interpreted function, defined at i0/hex.i line 226SEE ALSO: track_reduce, hex5_track, hex24f_track, hex24b_track, track_combine
bico(n,k) returns the binomial coefficient n!/(k!(n-k)!) as a double. Interpreted function, defined at i/gamma.i line 65SEE ALSO: ln_gamma, beta
backup, f or bmark= bookmark(f) ... backup, f, bmark back up the text stream F, so that the next call to the read function returns the same line as the previous call to read (note that you can only back up one line). If the optional second argument BMARK is supplied, restores the state of the file F to its state at the time the bookmark function was called. After a matching failure in read, use the single argument form of backup to reread the line containing the matching failure. Builtin function, documented at i0/std.i line 2237SEE ALSO: read, rdline, open, close
map= bowtie(rt, zt) or map= bowtie(rt, zt, ireg) returns a "bowtie map" for the quadrilateral mesh defined by RT, ZT, and (optionally) IREG. If IREG is present, it should be an integer array of the same dimensions as RT and ZT; its first row and column are ignored, otherwise each non-zero element of IREG marks an existing zone in the mesh. (An IREG with one fewer row and column than RT and ZT will also be accepted.) If IREG is omitted, every zone is presumed to exist. The returned MAP is a 2-D integer array with one fewer row and column than RT and ZT. It's values have the following meanings: 2 marks a convex zone with positive area 1 marks a concave (boomerang) zone with positive area 0 marks a bowtied zone -1 marks a concave (boomerang) zone with negative area -2 marks a convex zone with negative area -9 marks a non-existent zone Use the nbow function to print the results. Interpreted function, defined at i/bowtie.i line 11SEE ALSO: nbow
brighten, factor or brighten brighten the current palette by the specified FACTOR. The FACTOR is the slope of the transfer function for the color value (see to_hsv for a description of the hsv color system); a value of 1.0 always remains 1.0, but values near 0.0 change by FACTOR. FACTOR= 1.0 is a no-op. The default factor is 4.0. Interpreted function, defined at i/color.i line 38SEE ALSO: dump_palette
y= bs_integrate(derivative, y1, x, epsilon, dx1) Bulirsch-Stoer integrator, otherwise identical to rk_integrate routine. All of the options for rk_integrate work here as well. Based on odeint from Numerical Recipes (Press, If the function you are trying to integrate is not very smooth, or your X values are closely spaced, rk_integrate will probably work better than bs_integrate. Interpreted function, defined at i/rkutta.i line 252SEE ALSO: bstoer, rk_integrate, rk_maxits, rk_minstep, rk_maxstep, rk_ngood,
rk_nbad, rkdumb, rk4
bsstep Interpreted function, defined at i/rkutta.i line 293
y1= bstoer(derivative, y0,x0, x1,epsilon, dx0) Bulirsch-Stoer integrator, otherwise identical to rkutta routine. All of the options for rkutta (rk_nstore, etc.) work here as well. If the function you are trying to integrate is not very smooth, rkutta will probably work better than bstoer. Interpreted function, defined at i/rkutta.i line 274SEE ALSO: rkutta, rk_nstore, rk_maxits, rk_minstep, rk_maxstep, rk_ngood,
bucky Interpreted function, defined at i/plato.i line 76
build_dimlist, dimlist, next_argument build a DIMLIST, as used in the array function. Use like this: func your_function(arg1, arg2, etc, dimlist, ..) { while (more_args()) build_dimlist, dimlist, next_arg(); ... } After this, DIMLIST will be an array of the form [#dims, dim1, dim2, ...], compounded from the multiple arguments in the same way as the array function. If no DIMLIST arguments given, DIMLIST will be [] instead of [0], which will act the same in most situations. If that possibility is unacceptible, you may add if (is_void(dimlist)) dimlist= [0]; after the while loop. Interpreted function, defined at i/random.i line 39
butter(np, w) or butter(np, w, wc, db) return frequency response (amplitude) for Butterworth filter; the parameters are the same as for fil_butter. Interpreted function, defined at i/filter.i line 565SEE ALSO: fil_butter
button_build(button) -or- button_build(button, which) Returns a Button structure instance, modified interactively to be at the correct position and to have the correct box half widths, e.g.: button= button_build(Button(text="label",y=initial_y)) You can either drag the center of the button to a new location (press down near the center of the button, move the pointer to where you want the center, and release at the new center point), or press the "Set Box" or "Done" button. In the "Set Box" mode, you can either drag a new box over the button, or press "Set Center" (to return to the original mode) or "Done" button. Yorick has no way to determine the size of a text string produced by the plt command, which is why you need to be able to adjust the size of the box draawn around the text. The idea is to use button_build to get the buttons where you like, then put those coordinates into the include file for the mouse-driven function you are writing. Also, the input BUTTON may be an array of buttons, and BUTTON(WHICH) will be the one that is modified. WHICH defaults to 1. By using an array of buttons, you can see all the other buttons in a group while you adjust one. Interpreted function, defined at i/button.i line 21SEE ALSO: Button, button_test, button_plot
button_plot, button1, button2, ... plot the specified BUTTONs. Each button in the list may be an array of Button structs. Void arguments are no-ops. Interpreted function, defined at i/button.i line 127SEE ALSO: Button, button_build, button_test
bytscl(z) or bytscl(z, top=max_byte, cmin=lower_cutoff, cmax=upper_cutoff) returns a char array of the same shape as Z, with values linearly scaled to the range 0 to one less than the current palette size. If MAX_BYTE is specified, the scaled values will run from 0 to MAX_BYTE instead. If LOWER_CUTOFF and/or UPPER_CUTOFF are specified, Z values outside this range are mapped to the cutoff value; otherwise the linear scaling maps the extreme values of Z to 0 and MAX_BYTE. Builtin function, documented at i0/graph.i line 1339SEE ALSO: plf, pli, histeq_scale